Pierre Senellart’s Publications
Book chapter
Journal article
Conference article
Workshop article
Conference proceedings
S. Mishra, N. Sharma, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, TheoremView: A Framework for Extracting Theorem-Like Environments from Raw PDFs. In Proc. ECIR, Lucca, Italy, April 2025. Demonstration. (pdf | bib)
S. Maniu and P. Senellart, Database Theory in Action: Making Provenance and Probabilistic Database Theory Work in
Practice (Invited Talk). In Proc. ICDT, Barcelona, Spain, March 2025. (pdf | bib)
F. Yunus, P. Karmakar, P. Senellart, T. Abdessalem, and S. Bressan, Using a Probabilistic Database in an Image Retrieval Application. In Proc. EDBT, Barcelona, Spain, March 2025. Demonstration. (pdf | bib)
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Apprentissage multimodal modulaire pour l’extraction de théorèmes et de preuves dans
des documents scientifiques longs. In Proc. EGC, Strasbourg, France, January 2025. Poster. (pdf | poster | bib)
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Modular Multimodal Machine Learning for Extraction of Theorems and Proofs in Long
Scientific Documents. In Proc. JCDL, Hong Kong, China, December 2024. Late-breaking paper. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Modular Multimodal Machine Learning for Extraction of Theorems and Proofs in Long
Scientific Documents (Extended Version). October 2024. CoRR abs/2307.09047. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Mishra, Y. Brihmouche, T. Delemazure, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, First Steps in Building a Knowledge Base of Mathematical Results. In Proc. SDP, pp. 165–174, Bangkok, Thailand, August 2024. (pdf | poster | bib)
P. Karmakar, M. Monet, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Expected Shapley-Like Scores of Boolean Functions: Complexity and Applications to
Probabilistic Databases. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data, 2(2), June 2024. Presented at the PODS 2024 conference in Santiago, Chile. Also CoRR
abs/2401.06493. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, On the Impact of Provenance Semiring Theory on the Design of a Provenance-Aware
Database System. In A. Amarilli and A. Deutsch, editors, The Provenance of Elegance in Computation — Essays dedicated to Val Tannen, pp. 9:1–9:10. Schloss Dagstuhl — Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, March 2024. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Saadeh, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidential Truth Finding with Multi-Party Computation. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 332–337, Penang, Malaysia, August 2023. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Gauquier and P. Senellart, Automatically Inferring the Document Class of a Scientific Article. In Proc. DocEng, pp. 11:1–11:10, Limerick, Ireland, August 2023. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Saadeh, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidential Truth Finding with Multi-Party Computation (Extended Version). May 2023. CoRR abs/2305.14727. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Efficient Provenance-Aware Querying of Graph Databases with Datalog. In Proc. BDA, Clermont-Ferrand, France, October 2022. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Efficient Provenance-Aware Querying of Graph Databases with Datalog. In Proc. GRADES-NDA, pp. 4:1–4:9, Philadelphia, USA, June 2022. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, A Practical Dynamic Programming Approach to Datalog Provenance Computation. December 2021. CoRR abs/2112.01132. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Mishra, L. Pluvinage, and P. Senellart, Towards Extraction of Theorems and Proofs in Scholarly Articles. In Proc. DocEng, pp. 25:1–25:4, Limerick, Ireland, August 2021. (pdf | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Provenance-Based Algorithms for Rich Queries over Graph Databases. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 73–84, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 2021. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Algorithmes à base de provenance pour des requêtes enrichies sur les bases de données
graphes. In Proc. BDA, online, France, October 2020. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Dandekar, D. Basu, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidentialité différentielle à risque : Relier les sources d'aléa et un budget de
confidentialité. In Proc. BDA, online, France, October 2020. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, F. Capelli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Knowledge Compilation Classes and Width Parameters. Theory of Computing Systems, 64(5), pp. 861–914, 2020. Also CoRR abs/1811.02944. (pdf | website | bib)
M. Benedikt, P. Bourhis, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Monadic Datalog, Tree Validity, and Limited Access Containment. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 21(1), pp. 6:1–6:45, 2020. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, Provenance in Databases: Principles and Applications. In Proc. RW, pp. 104–109, Bolzano, Italy, September 2019. (pdf | slides | bib)
D. Basu, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, BelMan: Bayesian Bandits on the Belief–Reward Manifold. In Proc. ECML/PKDD, pp. 167–183, Würzburg, Germany, September 2019. (pdf | bib)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, An Experimental Study of the Treewidth of Real-World Graph Data. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 12:1–12:18, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2019. (pdf | bib)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, An Experimental Study of the Treewidth of Real-World Graph Data (Extended Version). January 2019. CoRR abs/1901.06862. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Evaluating Datalog via Tree Automata and Cycluits. Theory of Computing Systems, 63(7), pp. 1620–1678, 2019. Also CoRR abs/1808.04663. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Computing Possible and Certain Answers over Order-Incomplete Data. Theoretical Computer Science, 797, pp. 42–76, 2019. Also CoRR abs/1801.06396. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Liens entre largeur et structure en compilation de connaissances. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, Une étude expérimentale de la largeur d'arbre de données graphe du monde réel. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, L. Jachiet, S. Maniu, and Y. Ramusat, ProvSQL : Gestion de provenance et de probabilités dans PostgreSQL. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, L. Jachiet, S. Maniu, and Y. Ramusat, ProvSQL: Provenance and Probability Management in PostgreSQL. In Proc. VLDB, pp. 2034–2037, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2018. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Semiring Provenance over Graph Databases. In Proc. TaPP, Londron, United Kingdom, July 2018. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Han, P.-H. Wuillemin, and P. Senellart, Focused Crawling through Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 261–278, Cáceres, Spain, June 2018. (pdf | bib)
B. Spencer, M. Benedikt, and P. Senellart, Form Filling based on Constraint Solving. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 95–113, Cáceres, Spain, June 2018. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Width and Structure in Knowledge Compilation (Extended Version). May 2018. CoRR abs/1709.06188v3. (pdf | website | bib)
D. Montoya, T. Pellissier Tanon, S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, A Knowledge Base for Personal Information Management. In Proc. LDOW, Lyon, France, April 2018. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Width and Structure in Knowledge Compilation. In Proc. ICDT, Vienna, Austria, March 2018. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Possible and Certain Answers for Queries over Order-Incomplete Data. January 2018. CoRR abs/1707.07222v2. (pdf | website | bib)
P. Senellart, Provenance and Probabilities in Relational Databases: From Theory to Practice. SIGMOD Record, 46(4), December 2017. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart and A. Napoli, Actes de la conférence BDA 2017. HAL, Paris, France, November 2017. (website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Possible and Certain Answers for Queries over Order-Incomplete Data. In Proc. TIME, pp. 4:1–4:19, Mons, Belgium, October 2017. (pdf | bib)
O. Savkovic, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Towards Approximating Incomplete Queries over Partially Complete Databases. In Proc. AMW, Montevideo, Uruguay, June 2017. (pdf | bib)
A. Meliou and P. Senellart, Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on the Web and Databases, WebDB 2017. ACM, Chicago, USA, May 2017. (website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Conjunctive Queries on Probabilistic Graphs: Combined Complexity. In Proc. PODS, pp. 217–232, Chicago, USA, May 2017. Also CoRR abs/1703.03201. (pdf | poster | slides | website | bib)
S. Maniu, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, An Indexing Framework for Queries on Probabilistic Graphs. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 42(2), pp. 13:1–13:34, May 2017. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Combined Tractability of Query Evaluation via Tree Automata and Cycluits. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 6:1–6:19, Venice, Italy, March 2017. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Top-k Queries on Unknown Values under Order Constraints. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 5:1–5:18, Venice, Italy, March 2017. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Archivage du Web. In M. Bouzhegoub and R. Mosseri, editors, Les
Big Data à découvert, pp. 200–201. CNRS Éditions, March 2017. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Combined Tractability of Query Evaluation via Tree Automata and Cycluits (Extended
Version). January 2017. CoRR abs/1612.04203. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Top-k Queries on Unknown Values under Order Constraints (Extended Version). January 2017. CoRR abs/1701.02634. (pdf | website | bib)
D. Montoya, T. Pellissier Tanon, S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, Thymeflow, An Open-Source Personal Knowledge Base System. December 2016. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Lignages efficaces sur les instances quasi-arborescentes: Limites et extensions. In Proc. BDA, Poitiers, France, November 2016. (pdf | bib)
M. Han, P. Senellart, S. Bressan, and H. Wu, Routing an Autonomous Taxi with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. CIKM, Indianapolis, USA, October 2016. Industry track, short paper. (pdf | bib)
S. Schockaert and P. Senellart, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management,
SUM 2016. Springer-Verlag, Nice, France, September 2016. (website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Tractable Lineages on Treelike Instances: Limits and Extensions. In Proc. PODS, pp. 355–370, San Francisco, USA, June 2016. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Tractable Lineages on Treelike Instances: Limits and Extensions. April 2016. CoRR abs/1604.02761. (pdf | website | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Regularized Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 28, pp. 96–132, 2016. (pdf | bib)
R. Tang, A. Amarilli, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, A Framework for Sampling-Based XML Data Pricing. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 24, pp. 116–138, 2016. (pdf | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Adaptive Web Crawling through Structure-Based Link Classification. In Proc. ICADL, pp. 39–51, Seoul, South Korea, December 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances (Extended Version). November 2015. CoRR abs/1511.08723. (pdf | website | bib)
D. Montoya, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, Hup-Me: Inferring and Reconciling a Timeline of User Activity with Smartphone and
Personal Data. In Proc. SIGSPATIAL, Seattle, USA, November 2015. Short paper. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Optimal Probabilistic Generation of XML Documents. Theory of Computing Systems, 57(4), pp. 806–842, November 2015. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Requêtes sur des données à ordre incomplet. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Circuits de provenance pour les arbres et les instances quasi-arborescentes. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Apprentissage par renforcement pour optimiser les bases de donnéees indépendamment du
modèle de coût. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 253–268, Valencia, Spain, September 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Lei, S. Maniu, L. Mo, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, Online Influence Maximization. In Proc. KDD, pp. 645–654, Sydney, Australia, August 2015. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Intensional Data on the Web. SIGWEB Newsletter, August 2015. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances. In Proc. ICALP, pp. 56–68, Kyoto, Japan, July 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Lei, S. Maniu, L. Mo, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, Online Influence Maximization (Extended Version). June 2015. CoRR abs/1506.01188. (pdf | website | bib)
M. L. Ba, R. Horincar, P. Senellart, and H. Wu, Truth Finding with Attribute Partitioning. In Proc. WebDB, pp. 27–33, Melbourne, Australia, May 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, FOREST: Focused Object Retrieval by Exploiting Significant Tag Paths. In Proc. WebDB, pp. 55–61, Melbourne, Australia, May 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
C. Meng, R. Cheng, S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and W. Zhang, Discovering Meta-Paths in Large Heterogeneous Information Networks. In Proc. WWW, pp. 754–764, Florence, Italy, May 2015. (pdf | slides, pdf | slides, pptx | bib)
R. Cheng, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Databases and Crowdsourcing. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 33(1), pp. 1–2, March 2015. (pdf | bib)
R. Tang, D. Shao, M. L. Ba, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, A Framework for Conditioning Probabilistic XML Data. November 2014. (pdf | bib)
M. L. Ba, S. Montenez, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Monitoring moving objects using uncertain Web data. In Proc. SIGSPATIAL, pp. 565–568, Dallas, USA, November 2014. Demonstration. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
M. L. Ba, S. Montenez, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Collecte, intégration et visualisation de données Web incertaines sur des objets
mobiles. In Proc. BDA, Autrans, France, October 2014. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
G. Gouriten, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Scalable, Generic, and Adaptive Systems for Focused Crawling. In Proc. Hypertext, pp. 35–45, Santiago, Chile, September 2014. Douglas Engelbart Best Paper Award. (pdf | slides | bib)
R. Tang, A. Amarilli, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Get a Sample for a Discount: Sampling-Based XML Data Pricing. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 20–34, Munich, Germany, September 2014. (pdf | slides | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, M. Faheem, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, ARCOMEM Crawling Architecture. Future Internet, 6(3), pp. 518–541, August 2014. (pdf | bib)
S. Maniu, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, ProbTree: A Query-Efficient Representation of Probabilistic Graphs. In Proc. BUDA, Snowbird, USA, June 2014. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Crawl intelligent et adaptatif d’applications Web pour l’archivage du Web. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 19(4), pp. 61–86, 2014. (pdf (French) | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Gestion de versions incertaines de documents XML. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 19(4), pp. 9–34, 2014. (pdf (French) | bib)
P. Senellart, Probabilistic Models for Uncertain Data. In Proc. SoICT, pp. 10, Da Nang, Vietnam, December 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Disseminate your Research: Style Does Matter. In Proc. PIKM, San Francisco, USA, November 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
T. Risse, W. Peters, P. Senellart, and D. Maynard, Documenting Contemporary Society by Preserving Relevant Information from Twitter. In K. Weller, A. Bruns, J. Burgess, M. Mahrt, and C. Puschmann, editors, Twitter and Society, pp. 207–219. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, November 2013. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul and P. Senellart, Un déluge de données. Pour la science, 433, pp. 32–35, November 2013. (website | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Collecte intelligente et adaptative d'applications Web pour l'archivage du Web. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Contrôle de version incertain dans l'édition collaborative ouverte de documents
arborescents. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
G. Gouriten, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Exploration adaptative de graphes sous contrainte de budget. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Une démonstration d’un crawler intelligent pour les applications Web. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | mp4 | poster | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Demonstrating Intelligent Crawling and Archiving of Web Applications. In Proc. CIKM, pp. 2481–2484, San Francisco, USA, October 2013. Demonstration. (pdf | mp4 | poster | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, An Architecture for Selective Web Harvesting: The Use Case of Heritrix. In Proc. ARCOMEM, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2013. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Merging Uncertain Multi-Version XML Documents. In Proc. DChanges, Florence, Italy, September 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Uncertain Version Control in Open Collaborative Editing of Tree-Structured Documents. In Proc. DocEng, pp. 27–36, Florence, Italy, September 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
R. Cheng, A. Das Sarma, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Proceedings of the First VLDB Workshop on Databases and Crowdsourcing, DBCrowd 2013. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2013. (website | bib)
Y. Amsterdamer, Y. Grossman, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Crowd Miner: Mining association rules from the crowd. In Proc. VLDB, pp. 1250–1253, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2013. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
A. Amarilli and P. Senellart, On the Connections between Relational and XML Probabilistic Data Models. In Proc. BNCOD, pp. 121–134, Oxford, United Kingdom, July 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Intelligent and Adaptive Crawling of Web Applications for Web Archiving. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 306–322, Aalborg, Denmark, July 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Amsterdamer, Y. Grossman, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Crowd Mining. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 241–252, New York, USA, June 2013. (pdf | poster | slides, pdf | slides, pptx | bib)
T. Risse, W. Peters, and P. Senellart, Social and Semantic Driven Web Harvesting. In Proc. Building Web Observatories, Paris, France, May 2013. (pdf | bib)
B. Kimelfeld and P. Senellart, Probabilistic XML: Models and Complexity. In Z. Ma and L. Yan, editors, Advances in Probabilistic
Databases for Uncertain Information Management, pp. 39–66. Springer-Verlag, May 2013. (pdf | bib)
A. Souihli and P. Senellart, Optimizing Approximations of DNF Query Lineage in Probabilistic XML. In Proc. ICDE, pp. 721–732, Brisbane, Australia, April 2013. (pdf | bib)
R. Nayak, P. Senellart, F. M. Suchanek, and A. Varde, Discovering Interesting Information with Advances in Web Technology. SIGKDD Explorations, 14(2), pp. 63–81, December 2012. (pdf | bib)
A. Souihli and P. Senellart, Optimisation des approximations de probabilité des requêtes en XML probabiliste. In Proc. BDA, Clermont-Ferrand, France, October 2012. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Souihli and P. Senellart, Demonstrating ProApproX 2.0: A Predictive Query Engine for Probabilistic XML. In Proc. CIKM, pp. 2734–2736, Maui, Hawaii, USA, October 2012. Demonstration. (pdf | mp4 | poster | bib)
T. Risse, S. Dietze, W. Peters, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, and P. Senellart, Exploiting the Social and Semantic Web for guided Web Archiving. In Proc. TPDL, pp. 426–432, Paphos, Cyprus, September 2012. Poster. (pdf | poster | bib)
M. Oita, A. Amarilli, and P. Senellart, Cross-Fertilizing Deep Web Analysis and Ontology Enrichment. In Proc. VLDS, pp. 5–8, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012. Vision article. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Bienvenu, D. Deutch, D. Martinenghi, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, Dealing with the Deep Web and all its Quirks. In Proc. VLDS, pp. 21–24, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012. Vision article. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Monadic Datalog Containment. In Proc. ICALP, pp. 79–91, Warwick, United Kingdom, July 2012. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Probabilistic XML: A Data Model for the Web. Habilitation to supervise research, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, June 2012. (pdf | mp4 | slides | bib)
J. Lu, P. Senellart, C. Lin, X. Du, S. Wang, and X. Chen, Optimal Top-k Generation of Attribute Combinations based on Ranked Lists. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 409–420, Scottsdale, USA, May 2012. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Auto-Completion Learning for XML. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 669–672, Scottsdale, USA, May 2012. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
G. Gouriten and P. Senellart, API Blender: A Uniform Interface to Social Platform APIs. In Proc. WWW, Lyon, France, April 2012. Developer track. Also CoRR abs/1301.2086. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and V. Vianu, The ERC Webdam on Foundations of Web Data Management. In Proc. WWW, pp. 211–214, Lyon, France, April 2012. European project track. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt, T. Furche, A. Savvides, and P. Senellart, ProFoUnd: Program-analysis–based Form Understanding. In Proc. WWW, pp. 313–316, Lyon, France, April 2012. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Finding Optimal Probabilistic Generators for XML Collections. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 127–139, Berlin, Germany, March 2012. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt and P. Senellart, Databases. In E. K. Blum and A. V. Aho, editors, Computer Science. The
Hardware, Software and Heart of It, pp. 169–229. Springer-Verlag, January 2012. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul, I. Manolescu, M.-C. Rousset, P. Rigaux, and P. Senellart, Web Data Management. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA, January 2012. (website | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, PARIS: Probabilistic Alignment of Relations, Instances, and Schema. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 5(3), pp. 157–168, December 2011. Presented at the VLDB 2012 conference, Istanbul, Turkey. Also CoRR
abs/1111.7164. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
E. Kharlamov and P. Senellart, Modeling, Querying, and Mining Uncertain XML Data. In A. Tagarelli, editor, XML Data Mining:
Models, Methods, and Applications, pp. 29–52. IGI Global, November 2011. (pdf | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Towards a Version Control Model with Uncertain Data. In Proc. PIKM, Glasgow, United Kingdom, October 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, Ontology Alignment at the Instance and Schema Level. In Proc. BDA, Rabat, Morocco, October 2011. Conference without formal proceedings. Also registered as Technical Report
RT-0408 (2011), INRIA and CoRR abs/1111.7164. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Optimal Probabilistic Generators for XML Corpora. In Proc. BDA, Rabat, Morocco, October 2011. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, and P. Senellart, XML Content Warehousing: Improving Sociological Studies of Mailing Lists and Web Data. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 112(1), pp. 5–31, October 2011. Also CoRR abs/1108.4596. (pdf | website | bib)
M. Bourreau, F. Moreau, and P. Senellart, La diversité culturelle dans l’industrie de la musique enregistrée en France
(2003-2008). Publications du Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques, 5, October 2011. (pdf (French) | bib)
M. Benedikt, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Determining Relevance of Accesses at Runtime. In Proc. PODS, pp. 211–222, Athens, Greece, June 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart and A. Souihli, ProApproX: A Lightweight Approximation Query Processor over Probabilistic Trees. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 1295–1298, Athens, Greece, June 2011. Demonstration. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
M. Benedikt, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Determining Relevance of Accesses at Runtime (Extended Version). April 2011. CoRR abs/1104.0553. (pdf | website | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, Deriving Dynamics of Web Pages: A Survey. In Proc. TWAW, pp. 25–32, Hyderabad, India, March 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Value Joins are Expensive over (Probabilistic) XML. In Proc. LID, pp. 41–48, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Ailamaki, S. Amer-Yahia, J. M. Patel, T. Risch, P. Senellart, and J. Stoyanovich, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Extending Database Technology,
EDBT 2011. ACM, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. (website | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, A. Varde, R. Nayak, and P. Senellart, The Hidden Web, XML and the Semantic Web: Scientific Data Management Perspectives. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 534–537, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. Tutorial. Also CoRR abs/1105.1929. (pdf | slides, pdf | slides, ppt | website | bib)
T. Abdessalem, M. L. Ba, and P. Senellart, A Probabilistic XML Merging Tool. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 538–541, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Value Joins are Expensive over (Probabilistic) XML. Extended Version. Technical report KRDB11-1, KRDB Research Centre, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy, February 2011. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Capturing Continuous Data and Answering Aggregate Queries in Probabilistic XML. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 36(4), 2011. (pdf | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, Archivage du contenu éphémère du Web à l’aide des flux Web. In Proc. BDA, Toulouse, France, October 2010. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
P. Senellart and A. Souihli, Un Système de gestion de données XML probabilistes. In Proc. BDA, Toulouse, France, October 2010. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, Archiving Data Objects Using Web Feeds. In Proc. IWAW, pp. 31–41, Vienna, Austria, September 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt, E. Kharlamov, D. Olteanu, and P. Senellart, Probabilistic XML via Markov Chains. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 3(1), pp. 770–781, September 2010. Presented at the VLDB 2010 conference, Singapore. (pdf | slides | bib)
C. Genzmer, V. Hudlet, H. Park, D. Schall, and P. Senellart, The SIGMOD 2010 Programming Contest: A Distributed Query Engine. SIGMOD Record, 39(2), pp. 61–64, June 2010. (pdf | website | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Updating Probabilistic XML. In Proc. Updates in XML, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Aggregate Queries for Discrete and Continuous Probabilistic XML. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 50–61, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, S. Amer-Yahia, A. Marian, A. Galland, and P. Senellart, Birds of a tag flock together. In Proc. SSM, New York, USA, February 2010. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
A. Galland, S. Abiteboul, A. Marian, and P. Senellart, Corroborating Information from Disagreeing Views. In Proc. WSDM, pp. 131–140, New York, USA, February 2010. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
G. Gottlob and P. Senellart, Schema Mapping Discovery from Data Instances. Journal of the ACM, 57(2), January 2010. (pdf | bib)
T. Abdessalem and P. Senellart, Gestion de données dans les réseaux sociaux. Telecom, 156, pp. 56–58, January 2010. (pdf (French) | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Agrégation de documents XML probabilistes. In Proc. BDA, Namur, Belgium, October 2009. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Galland, S. Abiteboul, A. Marian, and P. Senellart, Corroboration de vues discordantes fondées sur la confiance. In Proc. BDA, Namur, Belgium, October 2009. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, B. Kimelfeld, Y. Sagiv, and P. Senellart, On the Expressiveness of Probabilistic XML Models. VLDB Journal, 18(5), pp. 1041–1064, October 2009. (pdf | bib)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
M. Spaniol, D. Denev, A. Mazeika, P. Senellart, and G. Weikum, Data Quality in Web Archiving. In Proc. WICOW, pp. 19–26, Madrid, Spain, April 2009. (pdf | bib)
A. Varde, F. M. Suchanek, R. Nayak, and P. Senellart, Knowledge Discovery over the Deep Web, Semantic Web and XML. In Proc. DASFAA, pp. 784–788, Brisbane, Australia, April 2009. Tutorial. (pdf | slides | bib)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, D. Colazzo, and P. Senellart, The WebStand Project. In Proc. WebSci, Athens, Greece, March 2009. Poster. Also CoRR abs/1002.0971. (pdf | poster | website | bib)
P. Senellart, A. Mittal, D. Muschick, R. Gilleron, and M. Tommasi, Automatic Wrapper Induction from Hidden-Web Sources with Domain Knowledge. In Proc. WIDM, pp. 9–16, Napa, USA, October 2008. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Google est-il un moteur de recherche efficace ? August 2008. Unpublished. (html (French) | bib)
P. Senellart and G. Gottlob, On the Complexity of Deriving Schema Mappings from Database Instances. In Proc. PODS, pp. 23–32, Vancouver, Canada, June 2008. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Vazirgiannis, D. Drosos, P. Senellart, and A. Vlachou, Web Page Rank Prediction with Markov Models. In Proc. WWW, pp. 1075–1076, Beijing, China, April 2008. Poster. (pdf | html | bib)
P. Senellart, Explorer le « Web caché ». April 2008. Unpublished. (html (French) | bib)
I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, A. Arion, J.-P. Dittrich, S. Manegold, N. Polyzotis, K. Schnaitter, P. Senellart, S. Zoupanos, and D. Shasha, The repeatability experiment of SIGMOD 2008. SIGMOD Record, 37(1), pp. 39–45, March 2008. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart and V. D. Blondel, Automatic discovery of similar words. In M. W. Berry and M. Castellanos, editors, Survey of Text Mining II:
Clustering, Classification and Retrieval, pp. 25–44. Springer-Verlag, January 2008. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, S. Abiteboul, and R. Gilleron, Understanding the Hidden Web. ERCIM News, 72, pp. 32–33, January 2008. (pdf | website | bib)
P. Senellart, Comprendre le Web caché. Understanding the Hidden Web. PhD thesis, Université Paris–Sud, Orsay, France, December 2007. (pdf | mpg (French) | slides (French) | bib)
D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, F.-X. Dudouet, B. Nguyen, P. Senellart, and A. Vion, Traiter des corpus d’information sur le Web. Vers de nouveaux usages informatiques
de l’enquête. September 2007. Presented at Congrès de l’Association française de sciences
politiques, Toulouse, France. (pdf | bib)
Y. Ollivier and P. Senellart, Finding Related Pages Using Green Measures: An Illustration with Wikipedia. In Proc. AAAI, pp. 1427–1433, Vancouver, Canada, July 2007. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
P. Senellart and S. Abiteboul, On the Complexity of Managing Probabilistic XML Data. In Proc. PODS, pp. 283–292, Beijing, China, June 2007. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul and P. Senellart, Querying and Updating Probabilistic Information in XML. Technical report 435, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, December 2005. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart and J. Senellart, SYSTRAN Translation Stylesheets: Machine Translation driven by XSLT. In Proc. XML Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, USA, November 2005. (pdf | xml | html | slides | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, XML Warehousing Meets Sociology. In Proc. IADIS ICWI, pp. 170–174, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2005. (doc | pdf | slides | bib)
M. Attnäs, P. Senellart, and J. Senellart, Integration of SYSTRAN MT systems in an open workflow. In Proc. MT Summit, Phuket, Thailand, September 2005. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Identifying Websites with Flow Simulation. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 124–129, Sydney, Australia, July 2005. (pdf | slides | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, XML Warehousing meets Sociology... Introducing the W3C XQuery Working Group. Technical report 423, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, April 2005. (doc | pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, Identifying Websites with Flow Simulation. Technical report 387, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, April 2005. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, Activity Report. SYSTRAN S.A., Paris, France, 2005. (pdf | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, Sociological Analysis of the W3C Standardization Process: XML Warehouse meets
Sociology. Technical report 369, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, November 2004. (pdf | bib)
V. D. Blondel, A. Gajardo, M. Heymans, P. Senellart, and P. Van Dooren, A measure of similarity between graph vertices: applications to synonym extraction and
Web searching. SIAM Review, 46(4), pp. 647–666, 2004. Also CoRR cs.IR/0407061. (pdf | website | bib)
P. Senellart, Website Identification. Masters thesis, Université Paris–Sud, Orsay, France, September 2003. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart and V. D. Blondel, Automatic discovery of similar words. In M. W. Berry, editor, Survey of Text Mining: Clustering, Classification and Retrieval, pp. 25–43. Springer-Verlag, August 2003. (pdf | bib)
V. D. Blondel and P. Senellart, Automatic extraction of synonyms in a dictionary. In Proc. TMW, pp. 7–13, Arlington, USA, April 2002. Also registered as Technical Report 89 (2001), Université catholique de
Louvain, Louvain-la-neuve. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Vérification automatique des multiplicateurs. Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2002. Long internship report. (pdf | slides | bib)
Book chapters
T. Risse, W. Peters, P. Senellart, and D. Maynard, Documenting Contemporary Society by Preserving Relevant Information from Twitter. In K. Weller, A. Bruns, J. Burgess, M. Mahrt, and C. Puschmann, editors, Twitter and Society, pp. 207–219. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, November 2013. (pdf | bib)
E. Kharlamov and P. Senellart, Modeling, Querying, and Mining Uncertain XML Data. In A. Tagarelli, editor, XML Data Mining:
Models, Methods, and Applications, pp. 29–52. IGI Global, November 2011. (pdf | bib)
Without peer review
P. Senellart, On the Impact of Provenance Semiring Theory on the Design of a Provenance-Aware
Database System. In A. Amarilli and A. Deutsch, editors, The Provenance of Elegance in Computation — Essays dedicated to Val Tannen, pp. 9:1–9:10. Schloss Dagstuhl — Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, March 2024. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Archivage du Web. In M. Bouzhegoub and R. Mosseri, editors, Les
Big Data à découvert, pp. 200–201. CNRS Éditions, March 2017. (pdf | bib)
B. Kimelfeld and P. Senellart, Probabilistic XML: Models and Complexity. In Z. Ma and L. Yan, editors, Advances in Probabilistic
Databases for Uncertain Information Management, pp. 39–66. Springer-Verlag, May 2013. (pdf | bib)
M. Benedikt and P. Senellart, Databases. In E. K. Blum and A. V. Aho, editors, Computer Science. The
Hardware, Software and Heart of It, pp. 169–229. Springer-Verlag, January 2012. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart and V. D. Blondel, Automatic discovery of similar words. In M. W. Berry and M. Castellanos, editors, Survey of Text Mining II:
Clustering, Classification and Retrieval, pp. 25–44. Springer-Verlag, January 2008. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart and V. D. Blondel, Automatic discovery of similar words. In M. W. Berry, editor, Survey of Text Mining: Clustering, Classification and Retrieval, pp. 25–43. Springer-Verlag, August 2003. (pdf | bib)
Journal articles
P. Karmakar, M. Monet, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Expected Shapley-Like Scores of Boolean Functions: Complexity and Applications to
Probabilistic Databases. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data, 2(2), June 2024. Presented at the PODS 2024 conference in Santiago, Chile. Also CoRR
abs/2401.06493. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, F. Capelli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Knowledge Compilation Classes and Width Parameters. Theory of Computing Systems, 64(5), pp. 861–914, 2020. Also CoRR abs/1811.02944. (pdf | website | bib)
M. Benedikt, P. Bourhis, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Monadic Datalog, Tree Validity, and Limited Access Containment. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 21(1), pp. 6:1–6:45, 2020. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Evaluating Datalog via Tree Automata and Cycluits. Theory of Computing Systems, 63(7), pp. 1620–1678, 2019. Also CoRR abs/1808.04663. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Computing Possible and Certain Answers over Order-Incomplete Data. Theoretical Computer Science, 797, pp. 42–76, 2019. Also CoRR abs/1801.06396. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Maniu, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, An Indexing Framework for Queries on Probabilistic Graphs. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 42(2), pp. 13:1–13:34, May 2017. (pdf | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Regularized Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 28, pp. 96–132, 2016. (pdf | bib)
R. Tang, A. Amarilli, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, A Framework for Sampling-Based XML Data Pricing. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 24, pp. 116–138, 2016. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Optimal Probabilistic Generation of XML Documents. Theory of Computing Systems, 57(4), pp. 806–842, November 2015. (pdf | bib)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, M. Faheem, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, ARCOMEM Crawling Architecture. Future Internet, 6(3), pp. 518–541, August 2014. (pdf | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Crawl intelligent et adaptatif d’applications Web pour l’archivage du Web. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 19(4), pp. 61–86, 2014. (pdf (French) | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Gestion de versions incertaines de documents XML. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 19(4), pp. 9–34, 2014. (pdf (French) | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, PARIS: Probabilistic Alignment of Relations, Instances, and Schema. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 5(3), pp. 157–168, December 2011. Presented at the VLDB 2012 conference, Istanbul, Turkey. Also CoRR
abs/1111.7164. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, and P. Senellart, XML Content Warehousing: Improving Sociological Studies of Mailing Lists and Web Data. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 112(1), pp. 5–31, October 2011. Also CoRR abs/1108.4596. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Capturing Continuous Data and Answering Aggregate Queries in Probabilistic XML. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 36(4), 2011. (pdf | bib)
M. Benedikt, E. Kharlamov, D. Olteanu, and P. Senellart, Probabilistic XML via Markov Chains. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 3(1), pp. 770–781, September 2010. Presented at the VLDB 2010 conference, Singapore. (pdf | slides | bib)
G. Gottlob and P. Senellart, Schema Mapping Discovery from Data Instances. Journal of the ACM, 57(2), January 2010. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul, B. Kimelfeld, Y. Sagiv, and P. Senellart, On the Expressiveness of Probabilistic XML Models. VLDB Journal, 18(5), pp. 1041–1064, October 2009. (pdf | bib)
V. D. Blondel, A. Gajardo, M. Heymans, P. Senellart, and P. Van Dooren, A measure of similarity between graph vertices: applications to synonym extraction and
Web searching. SIAM Review, 46(4), pp. 647–666, 2004. Also CoRR cs.IR/0407061. (pdf | website | bib)
Without peer review
P. Senellart, Provenance and Probabilities in Relational Databases: From Theory to Practice. SIGMOD Record, 46(4), December 2017. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Intensional Data on the Web. SIGWEB Newsletter, August 2015. (pdf | bib)
R. Cheng, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Databases and Crowdsourcing. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 33(1), pp. 1–2, March 2015. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul and P. Senellart, Un déluge de données. Pour la science, 433, pp. 32–35, November 2013. (website | bib)
R. Nayak, P. Senellart, F. M. Suchanek, and A. Varde, Discovering Interesting Information with Advances in Web Technology. SIGKDD Explorations, 14(2), pp. 63–81, December 2012. (pdf | bib)
M. Bourreau, F. Moreau, and P. Senellart, La diversité culturelle dans l’industrie de la musique enregistrée en France
(2003-2008). Publications du Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques, 5, October 2011. (pdf (French) | bib)
C. Genzmer, V. Hudlet, H. Park, D. Schall, and P. Senellart, The SIGMOD 2010 Programming Contest: A Distributed Query Engine. SIGMOD Record, 39(2), pp. 61–64, June 2010. (pdf | website | bib)
T. Abdessalem and P. Senellart, Gestion de données dans les réseaux sociaux. Telecom, 156, pp. 56–58, January 2010. (pdf (French) | bib)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, A. Arion, J.-P. Dittrich, S. Manegold, N. Polyzotis, K. Schnaitter, P. Senellart, S. Zoupanos, and D. Shasha, The repeatability experiment of SIGMOD 2008. SIGMOD Record, 37(1), pp. 39–45, March 2008. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, S. Abiteboul, and R. Gilleron, Understanding the Hidden Web. ERCIM News, 72, pp. 32–33, January 2008. (pdf | website | bib)
Conference articles
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Modular Multimodal Machine Learning for Extraction of Theorems and Proofs in Long
Scientific Documents. In Proc. JCDL, Hong Kong, China, December 2024. Late-breaking paper. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Saadeh, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidential Truth Finding with Multi-Party Computation. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 332–337, Penang, Malaysia, August 2023. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Gauquier and P. Senellart, Automatically Inferring the Document Class of a Scientific Article. In Proc. DocEng, pp. 11:1–11:10, Limerick, Ireland, August 2023. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Efficient Provenance-Aware Querying of Graph Databases with Datalog. In Proc. BDA, Clermont-Ferrand, France, October 2022. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Mishra, L. Pluvinage, and P. Senellart, Towards Extraction of Theorems and Proofs in Scholarly Articles. In Proc. DocEng, pp. 25:1–25:4, Limerick, Ireland, August 2021. (pdf | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Provenance-Based Algorithms for Rich Queries over Graph Databases. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 73–84, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 2021. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Algorithmes à base de provenance pour des requêtes enrichies sur les bases de données
graphes. In Proc. BDA, online, France, October 2020. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Dandekar, D. Basu, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidentialité différentielle à risque : Relier les sources d'aléa et un budget de
confidentialité. In Proc. BDA, online, France, October 2020. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, Provenance in Databases: Principles and Applications. In Proc. RW, pp. 104–109, Bolzano, Italy, September 2019. (pdf | slides | bib)
D. Basu, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, BelMan: Bayesian Bandits on the Belief–Reward Manifold. In Proc. ECML/PKDD, pp. 167–183, Würzburg, Germany, September 2019. (pdf | bib)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, An Experimental Study of the Treewidth of Real-World Graph Data. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 12:1–12:18, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2019. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Liens entre largeur et structure en compilation de connaissances. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, Une étude expérimentale de la largeur d'arbre de données graphe du monde réel. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Han, P.-H. Wuillemin, and P. Senellart, Focused Crawling through Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 261–278, Cáceres, Spain, June 2018. (pdf | bib)
B. Spencer, M. Benedikt, and P. Senellart, Form Filling based on Constraint Solving. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 95–113, Cáceres, Spain, June 2018. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Width and Structure in Knowledge Compilation. In Proc. ICDT, Vienna, Austria, March 2018. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Possible and Certain Answers for Queries over Order-Incomplete Data. In Proc. TIME, pp. 4:1–4:19, Mons, Belgium, October 2017. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Conjunctive Queries on Probabilistic Graphs: Combined Complexity. In Proc. PODS, pp. 217–232, Chicago, USA, May 2017. Also CoRR abs/1703.03201. (pdf | poster | slides | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Combined Tractability of Query Evaluation via Tree Automata and Cycluits. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 6:1–6:19, Venice, Italy, March 2017. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Top-k Queries on Unknown Values under Order Constraints. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 5:1–5:18, Venice, Italy, March 2017. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Lignages efficaces sur les instances quasi-arborescentes: Limites et extensions. In Proc. BDA, Poitiers, France, November 2016. (pdf | bib)
M. Han, P. Senellart, S. Bressan, and H. Wu, Routing an Autonomous Taxi with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. CIKM, Indianapolis, USA, October 2016. Industry track, short paper. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Tractable Lineages on Treelike Instances: Limits and Extensions. In Proc. PODS, pp. 355–370, San Francisco, USA, June 2016. (pdf | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Adaptive Web Crawling through Structure-Based Link Classification. In Proc. ICADL, pp. 39–51, Seoul, South Korea, December 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
D. Montoya, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, Hup-Me: Inferring and Reconciling a Timeline of User Activity with Smartphone and
Personal Data. In Proc. SIGSPATIAL, Seattle, USA, November 2015. Short paper. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Requêtes sur des données à ordre incomplet. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Circuits de provenance pour les arbres et les instances quasi-arborescentes. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Apprentissage par renforcement pour optimiser les bases de donnéees indépendamment du
modèle de coût. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 253–268, Valencia, Spain, September 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Lei, S. Maniu, L. Mo, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, Online Influence Maximization. In Proc. KDD, pp. 645–654, Sydney, Australia, August 2015. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances. In Proc. ICALP, pp. 56–68, Kyoto, Japan, July 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
C. Meng, R. Cheng, S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and W. Zhang, Discovering Meta-Paths in Large Heterogeneous Information Networks. In Proc. WWW, pp. 754–764, Florence, Italy, May 2015. (pdf | slides, pdf | slides, pptx | bib)
G. Gouriten, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Scalable, Generic, and Adaptive Systems for Focused Crawling. In Proc. Hypertext, pp. 35–45, Santiago, Chile, September 2014. Douglas Engelbart Best Paper Award. (pdf | slides | bib)
R. Tang, A. Amarilli, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Get a Sample for a Discount: Sampling-Based XML Data Pricing. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 20–34, Munich, Germany, September 2014. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Collecte intelligente et adaptative d'applications Web pour l'archivage du Web. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Contrôle de version incertain dans l'édition collaborative ouverte de documents
arborescents. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
G. Gouriten, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Exploration adaptative de graphes sous contrainte de budget. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Uncertain Version Control in Open Collaborative Editing of Tree-Structured Documents. In Proc. DocEng, pp. 27–36, Florence, Italy, September 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli and P. Senellart, On the Connections between Relational and XML Probabilistic Data Models. In Proc. BNCOD, pp. 121–134, Oxford, United Kingdom, July 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Intelligent and Adaptive Crawling of Web Applications for Web Archiving. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 306–322, Aalborg, Denmark, July 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Amsterdamer, Y. Grossman, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Crowd Mining. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 241–252, New York, USA, June 2013. (pdf | poster | slides, pdf | slides, pptx | bib)
A. Souihli and P. Senellart, Optimizing Approximations of DNF Query Lineage in Probabilistic XML. In Proc. ICDE, pp. 721–732, Brisbane, Australia, April 2013. (pdf | bib)
A. Souihli and P. Senellart, Optimisation des approximations de probabilité des requêtes en XML probabiliste. In Proc. BDA, Clermont-Ferrand, France, October 2012. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Monadic Datalog Containment. In Proc. ICALP, pp. 79–91, Warwick, United Kingdom, July 2012. (pdf | slides | bib)
J. Lu, P. Senellart, C. Lin, X. Du, S. Wang, and X. Chen, Optimal Top-k Generation of Attribute Combinations based on Ranked Lists. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 409–420, Scottsdale, USA, May 2012. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
G. Gouriten and P. Senellart, API Blender: A Uniform Interface to Social Platform APIs. In Proc. WWW, Lyon, France, April 2012. Developer track. Also CoRR abs/1301.2086. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and V. Vianu, The ERC Webdam on Foundations of Web Data Management. In Proc. WWW, pp. 211–214, Lyon, France, April 2012. European project track. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Finding Optimal Probabilistic Generators for XML Collections. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 127–139, Berlin, Germany, March 2012. (pdf | slides | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, Ontology Alignment at the Instance and Schema Level. In Proc. BDA, Rabat, Morocco, October 2011. Conference without formal proceedings. Also registered as Technical Report
RT-0408 (2011), INRIA and CoRR abs/1111.7164. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Optimal Probabilistic Generators for XML Corpora. In Proc. BDA, Rabat, Morocco, October 2011. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Determining Relevance of Accesses at Runtime. In Proc. PODS, pp. 211–222, Athens, Greece, June 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Aggregate Queries for Discrete and Continuous Probabilistic XML. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 50–61, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Galland, S. Abiteboul, A. Marian, and P. Senellart, Corroborating Information from Disagreeing Views. In Proc. WSDM, pp. 131–140, New York, USA, February 2010. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Agrégation de documents XML probabilistes. In Proc. BDA, Namur, Belgium, October 2009. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Galland, S. Abiteboul, A. Marian, and P. Senellart, Corroboration de vues discordantes fondées sur la confiance. In Proc. BDA, Namur, Belgium, October 2009. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
P. Senellart and G. Gottlob, On the Complexity of Deriving Schema Mappings from Database Instances. In Proc. PODS, pp. 23–32, Vancouver, Canada, June 2008. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ollivier and P. Senellart, Finding Related Pages Using Green Measures: An Illustration with Wikipedia. In Proc. AAAI, pp. 1427–1433, Vancouver, Canada, July 2007. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
P. Senellart and S. Abiteboul, On the Complexity of Managing Probabilistic XML Data. In Proc. PODS, pp. 283–292, Beijing, China, June 2007. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul and P. Senellart, Querying and Updating Probabilistic Information in XML. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 1059–1068, Munich, Germany, March 2006. Short paper. (pdf | slides | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, XML Warehousing Meets Sociology. In Proc. IADIS ICWI, pp. 170–174, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2005. (doc | pdf | slides | bib)
M. Attnäs, P. Senellart, and J. Senellart, Integration of SYSTRAN MT systems in an open workflow. In Proc. MT Summit, Phuket, Thailand, September 2005. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Identifying Websites with Flow Simulation. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 124–129, Sydney, Australia, July 2005. (pdf | slides | bib)
Without peer review
S. Maniu and P. Senellart, Database Theory in Action: Making Provenance and Probabilistic Database Theory Work in
Practice (Invited Talk). In Proc. ICDT, Barcelona, Spain, March 2025. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, Probabilistic Models for Uncertain Data. In Proc. SoICT, pp. 10, Da Nang, Vietnam, December 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, A. Varde, R. Nayak, and P. Senellart, The Hidden Web, XML and the Semantic Web: Scientific Data Management Perspectives. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 534–537, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. Tutorial. Also CoRR abs/1105.1929. (pdf | slides, pdf | slides, ppt | website | bib)
A. Varde, F. M. Suchanek, R. Nayak, and P. Senellart, Knowledge Discovery over the Deep Web, Semantic Web and XML. In Proc. DASFAA, pp. 784–788, Brisbane, Australia, April 2009. Tutorial. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart and J. Senellart, SYSTRAN Translation Stylesheets: Machine Translation driven by XSLT. In Proc. XML Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, USA, November 2005. (pdf | xml | html | slides | bib)
Workshop articles
S. Mishra, Y. Brihmouche, T. Delemazure, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, First Steps in Building a Knowledge Base of Mathematical Results. In Proc. SDP, pp. 165–174, Bangkok, Thailand, August 2024. (pdf | poster | bib)
S. Jiang and P. Senellart, Extracting Definienda in Mathematical Scholarly Articles with Transformers. In Proc. WIESP, online, Indonesia, November 2023. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Efficient Provenance-Aware Querying of Graph Databases with Datalog. In Proc. GRADES-NDA, pp. 4:1–4:9, Philadelphia, USA, June 2022. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Semiring Provenance over Graph Databases. In Proc. TaPP, Londron, United Kingdom, July 2018. (pdf | slides | bib)
D. Montoya, T. Pellissier Tanon, S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, A Knowledge Base for Personal Information Management. In Proc. LDOW, Lyon, France, April 2018. (pdf | bib)
O. Savkovic, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Towards Approximating Incomplete Queries over Partially Complete Databases. In Proc. AMW, Montevideo, Uruguay, June 2017. (pdf | bib)
M. L. Ba, R. Horincar, P. Senellart, and H. Wu, Truth Finding with Attribute Partitioning. In Proc. WebDB, pp. 27–33, Melbourne, Australia, May 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, FOREST: Focused Object Retrieval by Exploiting Significant Tag Paths. In Proc. WebDB, pp. 55–61, Melbourne, Australia, May 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Maniu, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, ProbTree: A Query-Efficient Representation of Probabilistic Graphs. In Proc. BUDA, Snowbird, USA, June 2014. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Merging Uncertain Multi-Version XML Documents. In Proc. DChanges, Florence, Italy, September 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
T. Risse, W. Peters, and P. Senellart, Social and Semantic Driven Web Harvesting. In Proc. Building Web Observatories, Paris, France, May 2013. (pdf | bib)
M. Oita, A. Amarilli, and P. Senellart, Cross-Fertilizing Deep Web Analysis and Ontology Enrichment. In Proc. VLDS, pp. 5–8, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012. Vision article. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Bienvenu, D. Deutch, D. Martinenghi, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, Dealing with the Deep Web and all its Quirks. In Proc. VLDS, pp. 21–24, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012. Vision article. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Towards a Version Control Model with Uncertain Data. In Proc. PIKM, Glasgow, United Kingdom, October 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, Deriving Dynamics of Web Pages: A Survey. In Proc. TWAW, pp. 25–32, Hyderabad, India, March 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Value Joins are Expensive over (Probabilistic) XML. In Proc. LID, pp. 41–48, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, Archiving Data Objects Using Web Feeds. In Proc. IWAW, pp. 31–41, Vienna, Austria, September 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Updating Probabilistic XML. In Proc. Updates in XML, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, S. Amer-Yahia, A. Marian, A. Galland, and P. Senellart, Birds of a tag flock together. In Proc. SSM, New York, USA, February 2010. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
M. Spaniol, D. Denev, A. Mazeika, P. Senellart, and G. Weikum, Data Quality in Web Archiving. In Proc. WICOW, pp. 19–26, Madrid, Spain, April 2009. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, A. Mittal, D. Muschick, R. Gilleron, and M. Tommasi, Automatic Wrapper Induction from Hidden-Web Sources with Domain Knowledge. In Proc. WIDM, pp. 9–16, Napa, USA, October 2008. (pdf | slides | bib)
V. D. Blondel and P. Senellart, Automatic extraction of synonyms in a dictionary. In Proc. TMW, pp. 7–13, Arlington, USA, April 2002. Also registered as Technical Report 89 (2001), Université catholique de
Louvain, Louvain-la-neuve. (pdf | slides | bib)
Without peer review
P. Senellart, Disseminate your Research: Style Does Matter. In Proc. PIKM, San Francisco, USA, November 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, An Architecture for Selective Web Harvesting: The Use Case of Heritrix. In Proc. ARCOMEM, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2013. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
Demonstrations (peer-reviewed)
S. Mishra, N. Sharma, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, TheoremView: A Framework for Extracting Theorem-Like Environments from Raw PDFs. In Proc. ECIR, Lucca, Italy, April 2025. Demonstration. (pdf | bib)
F. Yunus, P. Karmakar, P. Senellart, T. Abdessalem, and S. Bressan, Using a Probabilistic Database in an Image Retrieval Application. In Proc. EDBT, Barcelona, Spain, March 2025. Demonstration. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, L. Jachiet, S. Maniu, and Y. Ramusat, ProvSQL : Gestion de provenance et de probabilités dans PostgreSQL. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, L. Jachiet, S. Maniu, and Y. Ramusat, ProvSQL: Provenance and Probability Management in PostgreSQL. In Proc. VLDB, pp. 2034–2037, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2018. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
M. L. Ba, S. Montenez, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Monitoring moving objects using uncertain Web data. In Proc. SIGSPATIAL, pp. 565–568, Dallas, USA, November 2014. Demonstration. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
M. L. Ba, S. Montenez, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Collecte, intégration et visualisation de données Web incertaines sur des objets
mobiles. In Proc. BDA, Autrans, France, October 2014. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Une démonstration d’un crawler intelligent pour les applications Web. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | mp4 | poster | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Demonstrating Intelligent Crawling and Archiving of Web Applications. In Proc. CIKM, pp. 2481–2484, San Francisco, USA, October 2013. Demonstration. (pdf | mp4 | poster | bib)
Y. Amsterdamer, Y. Grossman, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Crowd Miner: Mining association rules from the crowd. In Proc. VLDB, pp. 1250–1253, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2013. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
A. Souihli and P. Senellart, Demonstrating ProApproX 2.0: A Predictive Query Engine for Probabilistic XML. In Proc. CIKM, pp. 2734–2736, Maui, Hawaii, USA, October 2012. Demonstration. (pdf | mp4 | poster | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Auto-Completion Learning for XML. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 669–672, Scottsdale, USA, May 2012. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
M. Benedikt, T. Furche, A. Savvides, and P. Senellart, ProFoUnd: Program-analysis–based Form Understanding. In Proc. WWW, pp. 313–316, Lyon, France, April 2012. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
P. Senellart and A. Souihli, ProApproX: A Lightweight Approximation Query Processor over Probabilistic Trees. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 1295–1298, Athens, Greece, June 2011. Demonstration. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
T. Abdessalem, M. L. Ba, and P. Senellart, A Probabilistic XML Merging Tool. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 538–541, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, Archivage du contenu éphémère du Web à l’aide des flux Web. In Proc. BDA, Toulouse, France, October 2010. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
P. Senellart and A. Souihli, Un Système de gestion de données XML probabilistes. In Proc. BDA, Toulouse, France, October 2010. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
Posters (peer-reviewed)
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Apprentissage multimodal modulaire pour l’extraction de théorèmes et de preuves dans
des documents scientifiques longs. In Proc. EGC, Strasbourg, France, January 2025. Poster. (pdf | poster | bib)
T. Risse, S. Dietze, W. Peters, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, and P. Senellart, Exploiting the Social and Semantic Web for guided Web Archiving. In Proc. TPDL, pp. 426–432, Paphos, Cyprus, September 2012. Poster. (pdf | poster | bib)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, D. Colazzo, and P. Senellart, The WebStand Project. In Proc. WebSci, Athens, Greece, March 2009. Poster. Also CoRR abs/1002.0971. (pdf | poster | website | bib)
M. Vazirgiannis, D. Drosos, P. Senellart, and A. Vlachou, Web Page Rank Prediction with Markov Models. In Proc. WWW, pp. 1075–1076, Beijing, China, April 2008. Poster. (pdf | html | bib)
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Modular Multimodal Machine Learning for Extraction of Theorems and Proofs in Long
Scientific Documents (Extended Version). October 2024. CoRR abs/2307.09047. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Saadeh, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidential Truth Finding with Multi-Party Computation (Extended Version). May 2023. CoRR abs/2305.14727. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, A Practical Dynamic Programming Approach to Datalog Provenance Computation. December 2021. CoRR abs/2112.01132. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, An Experimental Study of the Treewidth of Real-World Graph Data (Extended Version). January 2019. CoRR abs/1901.06862. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Width and Structure in Knowledge Compilation (Extended Version). May 2018. CoRR abs/1709.06188v3. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Possible and Certain Answers for Queries over Order-Incomplete Data. January 2018. CoRR abs/1707.07222v2. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Combined Tractability of Query Evaluation via Tree Automata and Cycluits (Extended
Version). January 2017. CoRR abs/1612.04203. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Top-k Queries on Unknown Values under Order Constraints (Extended Version). January 2017. CoRR abs/1701.02634. (pdf | website | bib)
D. Montoya, T. Pellissier Tanon, S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, Thymeflow, An Open-Source Personal Knowledge Base System. December 2016. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Tractable Lineages on Treelike Instances: Limits and Extensions. April 2016. CoRR abs/1604.02761. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances (Extended Version). November 2015. CoRR abs/1511.08723. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Lei, S. Maniu, L. Mo, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, Online Influence Maximization (Extended Version). June 2015. CoRR abs/1506.01188. (pdf | website | bib)
R. Tang, D. Shao, M. L. Ba, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, A Framework for Conditioning Probabilistic XML Data. November 2014. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, Probabilistic XML: A Data Model for the Web. Habilitation to supervise research, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, June 2012. (pdf | mp4 | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Determining Relevance of Accesses at Runtime (Extended Version). April 2011. CoRR abs/1104.0553. (pdf | website | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Value Joins are Expensive over (Probabilistic) XML. Extended Version. Technical report KRDB11-1, KRDB Research Centre, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy, February 2011. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, Google est-il un moteur de recherche efficace ? August 2008. Unpublished. (html (French) | bib)
P. Senellart, Explorer le « Web caché ». April 2008. Unpublished. (html (French) | bib)
P. Senellart, Comprendre le Web caché. Understanding the Hidden Web. PhD thesis, Université Paris–Sud, Orsay, France, December 2007. (pdf | mpg (French) | slides (French) | bib)
D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, F.-X. Dudouet, B. Nguyen, P. Senellart, and A. Vion, Traiter des corpus d’information sur le Web. Vers de nouveaux usages informatiques
de l’enquête. September 2007. Presented at Congrès de l’Association française de sciences
politiques, Toulouse, France. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul and P. Senellart, Querying and Updating Probabilistic Information in XML. Technical report 435, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, December 2005. (pdf | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, XML Warehousing meets Sociology... Introducing the W3C XQuery Working Group. Technical report 423, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, April 2005. (doc | pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, Identifying Websites with Flow Simulation. Technical report 387, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, April 2005. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, Activity Report. SYSTRAN S.A., Paris, France, 2005. (pdf | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, Sociological Analysis of the W3C Standardization Process: XML Warehouse meets
Sociology. Technical report 369, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, November 2004. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, Website Identification. Masters thesis, Université Paris–Sud, Orsay, France, September 2003. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, Vérification automatique des multiplicateurs. Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2002. Long internship report. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Extraction of information in large graphs. Automatic search for synonyms. Technical report 90, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium, 2001. Masters Internship Report. (pdf | slides | bib)
Conference proceedings
P. Senellart and A. Napoli, Actes de la conférence BDA 2017. HAL, Paris, France, November 2017. (website | bib)
A. Meliou and P. Senellart, Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on the Web and Databases, WebDB 2017. ACM, Chicago, USA, May 2017. (website | bib)
S. Schockaert and P. Senellart, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management,
SUM 2016. Springer-Verlag, Nice, France, September 2016. (website | bib)
R. Cheng, A. Das Sarma, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Proceedings of the First VLDB Workshop on Databases and Crowdsourcing, DBCrowd 2013. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2013. (website | bib)
A. Ailamaki, S. Amer-Yahia, J. M. Patel, T. Risch, P. Senellart, and J. Stoyanovich, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Extending Database Technology,
EDBT 2011. ACM, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. (website | bib)
Probabilistic Databases
P. Karmakar, M. Monet, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Expected Shapley-Like Scores of Boolean Functions: Complexity and Applications to
Probabilistic Databases. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data, 2(2), June 2024. Presented at the PODS 2024 conference in Santiago, Chile. Also CoRR
abs/2401.06493. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, F. Capelli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Knowledge Compilation Classes and Width Parameters. Theory of Computing Systems, 64(5), pp. 861–914, 2020. Also CoRR abs/1811.02944. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Liens entre largeur et structure en compilation de connaissances. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Width and Structure in Knowledge Compilation (Extended Version). May 2018. CoRR abs/1709.06188v3. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Width and Structure in Knowledge Compilation. In Proc. ICDT, Vienna, Austria, March 2018. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Conjunctive Queries on Probabilistic Graphs: Combined Complexity. In Proc. PODS, pp. 217–232, Chicago, USA, May 2017. Also CoRR abs/1703.03201. (pdf | poster | slides | website | bib)
S. Maniu, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, An Indexing Framework for Queries on Probabilistic Graphs. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 42(2), pp. 13:1–13:34, May 2017. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Lignages efficaces sur les instances quasi-arborescentes: Limites et extensions. In Proc. BDA, Poitiers, France, November 2016. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Tractable Lineages on Treelike Instances: Limits and Extensions. In Proc. PODS, pp. 355–370, San Francisco, USA, June 2016. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Tractable Lineages on Treelike Instances: Limits and Extensions. April 2016. CoRR abs/1604.02761. (pdf | website | bib)
R. Tang, A. Amarilli, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, A Framework for Sampling-Based XML Data Pricing. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 24, pp. 116–138, 2016. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances (Extended Version). November 2015. CoRR abs/1511.08723. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Optimal Probabilistic Generation of XML Documents. Theory of Computing Systems, 57(4), pp. 806–842, November 2015. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Circuits de provenance pour les arbres et les instances quasi-arborescentes. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances. In Proc. ICALP, pp. 56–68, Kyoto, Japan, July 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
R. Tang, D. Shao, M. L. Ba, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, A Framework for Conditioning Probabilistic XML Data. November 2014. (pdf | bib)
R. Tang, A. Amarilli, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Get a Sample for a Discount: Sampling-Based XML Data Pricing. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 20–34, Munich, Germany, September 2014. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Maniu, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, ProbTree: A Query-Efficient Representation of Probabilistic Graphs. In Proc. BUDA, Snowbird, USA, June 2014. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Gestion de versions incertaines de documents XML. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 19(4), pp. 9–34, 2014. (pdf (French) | bib)
P. Senellart, Probabilistic Models for Uncertain Data. In Proc. SoICT, pp. 10, Da Nang, Vietnam, December 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Contrôle de version incertain dans l'édition collaborative ouverte de documents
arborescents. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Merging Uncertain Multi-Version XML Documents. In Proc. DChanges, Florence, Italy, September 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Uncertain Version Control in Open Collaborative Editing of Tree-Structured Documents. In Proc. DocEng, pp. 27–36, Florence, Italy, September 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli and P. Senellart, On the Connections between Relational and XML Probabilistic Data Models. In Proc. BNCOD, pp. 121–134, Oxford, United Kingdom, July 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
B. Kimelfeld and P. Senellart, Probabilistic XML: Models and Complexity. In Z. Ma and L. Yan, editors, Advances in Probabilistic
Databases for Uncertain Information Management, pp. 39–66. Springer-Verlag, May 2013. (pdf | bib)
A. Souihli and P. Senellart, Optimizing Approximations of DNF Query Lineage in Probabilistic XML. In Proc. ICDE, pp. 721–732, Brisbane, Australia, April 2013. (pdf | bib)
A. Souihli and P. Senellart, Optimisation des approximations de probabilité des requêtes en XML probabiliste. In Proc. BDA, Clermont-Ferrand, France, October 2012. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Souihli and P. Senellart, Demonstrating ProApproX 2.0: A Predictive Query Engine for Probabilistic XML. In Proc. CIKM, pp. 2734–2736, Maui, Hawaii, USA, October 2012. Demonstration. (pdf | mp4 | poster | bib)
P. Senellart, Probabilistic XML: A Data Model for the Web. Habilitation to supervise research, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, June 2012. (pdf | mp4 | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Auto-Completion Learning for XML. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 669–672, Scottsdale, USA, May 2012. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and V. Vianu, The ERC Webdam on Foundations of Web Data Management. In Proc. WWW, pp. 211–214, Lyon, France, April 2012. European project track. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Finding Optimal Probabilistic Generators for XML Collections. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 127–139, Berlin, Germany, March 2012. (pdf | slides | bib)
E. Kharlamov and P. Senellart, Modeling, Querying, and Mining Uncertain XML Data. In A. Tagarelli, editor, XML Data Mining:
Models, Methods, and Applications, pp. 29–52. IGI Global, November 2011. (pdf | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Towards a Version Control Model with Uncertain Data. In Proc. PIKM, Glasgow, United Kingdom, October 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Optimal Probabilistic Generators for XML Corpora. In Proc. BDA, Rabat, Morocco, October 2011. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart and A. Souihli, ProApproX: A Lightweight Approximation Query Processor over Probabilistic Trees. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 1295–1298, Athens, Greece, June 2011. Demonstration. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Value Joins are Expensive over (Probabilistic) XML. In Proc. LID, pp. 41–48, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
T. Abdessalem, M. L. Ba, and P. Senellart, A Probabilistic XML Merging Tool. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 538–541, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Value Joins are Expensive over (Probabilistic) XML. Extended Version. Technical report KRDB11-1, KRDB Research Centre, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy, February 2011. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Capturing Continuous Data and Answering Aggregate Queries in Probabilistic XML. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 36(4), 2011. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart and A. Souihli, Un Système de gestion de données XML probabilistes. In Proc. BDA, Toulouse, France, October 2010. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
M. Benedikt, E. Kharlamov, D. Olteanu, and P. Senellart, Probabilistic XML via Markov Chains. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 3(1), pp. 770–781, September 2010. Presented at the VLDB 2010 conference, Singapore. (pdf | slides | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Updating Probabilistic XML. In Proc. Updates in XML, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Aggregate Queries for Discrete and Continuous Probabilistic XML. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 50–61, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Agrégation de documents XML probabilistes. In Proc. BDA, Namur, Belgium, October 2009. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, B. Kimelfeld, Y. Sagiv, and P. Senellart, On the Expressiveness of Probabilistic XML Models. VLDB Journal, 18(5), pp. 1041–1064, October 2009. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart and S. Abiteboul, On the Complexity of Managing Probabilistic XML Data. In Proc. PODS, pp. 283–292, Beijing, China, June 2007. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul and P. Senellart, Querying and Updating Probabilistic Information in XML. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 1059–1068, Munich, Germany, March 2006. Short paper. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul and P. Senellart, Querying and Updating Probabilistic Information in XML. Technical report 435, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, December 2005. (pdf | bib)
Web Crawling and Archiving
M. Han, P.-H. Wuillemin, and P. Senellart, Focused Crawling through Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 261–278, Cáceres, Spain, June 2018. (pdf | bib)
B. Spencer, M. Benedikt, and P. Senellart, Form Filling based on Constraint Solving. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 95–113, Cáceres, Spain, June 2018. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, Archivage du Web. In M. Bouzhegoub and R. Mosseri, editors, Les
Big Data à découvert, pp. 200–201. CNRS Éditions, March 2017. (pdf | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Adaptive Web Crawling through Structure-Based Link Classification. In Proc. ICADL, pp. 39–51, Seoul, South Korea, December 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, FOREST: Focused Object Retrieval by Exploiting Significant Tag Paths. In Proc. WebDB, pp. 55–61, Melbourne, Australia, May 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
G. Gouriten, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Scalable, Generic, and Adaptive Systems for Focused Crawling. In Proc. Hypertext, pp. 35–45, Santiago, Chile, September 2014. Douglas Engelbart Best Paper Award. (pdf | slides | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, M. Faheem, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, ARCOMEM Crawling Architecture. Future Internet, 6(3), pp. 518–541, August 2014. (pdf | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Crawl intelligent et adaptatif d’applications Web pour l’archivage du Web. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 19(4), pp. 61–86, 2014. (pdf (French) | bib)
T. Risse, W. Peters, P. Senellart, and D. Maynard, Documenting Contemporary Society by Preserving Relevant Information from Twitter. In K. Weller, A. Bruns, J. Burgess, M. Mahrt, and C. Puschmann, editors, Twitter and Society, pp. 207–219. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, November 2013. (pdf | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Collecte intelligente et adaptative d'applications Web pour l'archivage du Web. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
G. Gouriten, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Exploration adaptative de graphes sous contrainte de budget. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Une démonstration d’un crawler intelligent pour les applications Web. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | mp4 | poster | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Demonstrating Intelligent Crawling and Archiving of Web Applications. In Proc. CIKM, pp. 2481–2484, San Francisco, USA, October 2013. Demonstration. (pdf | mp4 | poster | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, An Architecture for Selective Web Harvesting: The Use Case of Heritrix. In Proc. ARCOMEM, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2013. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Intelligent and Adaptive Crawling of Web Applications for Web Archiving. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 306–322, Aalborg, Denmark, July 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
T. Risse, W. Peters, and P. Senellart, Social and Semantic Driven Web Harvesting. In Proc. Building Web Observatories, Paris, France, May 2013. (pdf | bib)
T. Risse, S. Dietze, W. Peters, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, and P. Senellart, Exploiting the Social and Semantic Web for guided Web Archiving. In Proc. TPDL, pp. 426–432, Paphos, Cyprus, September 2012. Poster. (pdf | poster | bib)
G. Gouriten and P. Senellart, API Blender: A Uniform Interface to Social Platform APIs. In Proc. WWW, Lyon, France, April 2012. Developer track. Also CoRR abs/1301.2086. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, Deriving Dynamics of Web Pages: A Survey. In Proc. TWAW, pp. 25–32, Hyderabad, India, March 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, Archivage du contenu éphémère du Web à l’aide des flux Web. In Proc. BDA, Toulouse, France, October 2010. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, Archiving Data Objects Using Web Feeds. In Proc. IWAW, pp. 31–41, Vienna, Austria, September 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Spaniol, D. Denev, A. Mazeika, P. Senellart, and G. Weikum, Data Quality in Web Archiving. In Proc. WICOW, pp. 19–26, Madrid, Spain, April 2009. (pdf | bib)
Graph Mining
A. Saadeh, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidential Truth Finding with Multi-Party Computation. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 332–337, Penang, Malaysia, August 2023. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Saadeh, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidential Truth Finding with Multi-Party Computation (Extended Version). May 2023. CoRR abs/2305.14727. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, An Experimental Study of the Treewidth of Real-World Graph Data. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 12:1–12:18, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2019. (pdf | bib)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, An Experimental Study of the Treewidth of Real-World Graph Data (Extended Version). January 2019. CoRR abs/1901.06862. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, Une étude expérimentale de la largeur d'arbre de données graphe du monde réel. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, R. Horincar, P. Senellart, and H. Wu, Truth Finding with Attribute Partitioning. In Proc. WebDB, pp. 27–33, Melbourne, Australia, May 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
C. Meng, R. Cheng, S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and W. Zhang, Discovering Meta-Paths in Large Heterogeneous Information Networks. In Proc. WWW, pp. 754–764, Florence, Italy, May 2015. (pdf | slides, pdf | slides, pptx | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, PARIS: Probabilistic Alignment of Relations, Instances, and Schema. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 5(3), pp. 157–168, December 2011. Presented at the VLDB 2012 conference, Istanbul, Turkey. Also CoRR
abs/1111.7164. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, Ontology Alignment at the Instance and Schema Level. In Proc. BDA, Rabat, Morocco, October 2011. Conference without formal proceedings. Also registered as Technical Report
RT-0408 (2011), INRIA and CoRR abs/1111.7164. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Galland, S. Abiteboul, A. Marian, and P. Senellart, Corroborating Information from Disagreeing Views. In Proc. WSDM, pp. 131–140, New York, USA, February 2010. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
A. Galland, S. Abiteboul, A. Marian, and P. Senellart, Corroboration de vues discordantes fondées sur la confiance. In Proc. BDA, Namur, Belgium, October 2009. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
M. Vazirgiannis, D. Drosos, P. Senellart, and A. Vlachou, Web Page Rank Prediction with Markov Models. In Proc. WWW, pp. 1075–1076, Beijing, China, April 2008. Poster. (pdf | html | bib)
P. Senellart and V. D. Blondel, Automatic discovery of similar words. In M. W. Berry and M. Castellanos, editors, Survey of Text Mining II:
Clustering, Classification and Retrieval, pp. 25–44. Springer-Verlag, January 2008. (pdf | bib)
Y. Ollivier and P. Senellart, Finding Related Pages Using Green Measures: An Illustration with Wikipedia. In Proc. AAAI, pp. 1427–1433, Vancouver, Canada, July 2007. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
P. Senellart, Identifying Websites with Flow Simulation. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 124–129, Sydney, Australia, July 2005. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Identifying Websites with Flow Simulation. Technical report 387, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, April 2005. (pdf | bib)
V. D. Blondel, A. Gajardo, M. Heymans, P. Senellart, and P. Van Dooren, A measure of similarity between graph vertices: applications to synonym extraction and
Web searching. SIAM Review, 46(4), pp. 647–666, 2004. Also CoRR cs.IR/0407061. (pdf | website | bib)
P. Senellart, Website Identification. Masters thesis, Université Paris–Sud, Orsay, France, September 2003. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart and V. D. Blondel, Automatic discovery of similar words. In M. W. Berry, editor, Survey of Text Mining: Clustering, Classification and Retrieval, pp. 25–43. Springer-Verlag, August 2003. (pdf | bib)
V. D. Blondel and P. Senellart, Automatic extraction of synonyms in a dictionary. In Proc. TMW, pp. 7–13, Arlington, USA, April 2002. Also registered as Technical Report 89 (2001), Université catholique de
Louvain, Louvain-la-neuve. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Extraction of information in large graphs. Automatic search for synonyms. Technical report 90, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium, 2001. Masters Internship Report. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Evaluating Datalog via Tree Automata and Cycluits. Theory of Computing Systems, 63(7), pp. 1620–1678, 2019. Also CoRR abs/1808.04663. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Computing Possible and Certain Answers over Order-Incomplete Data. Theoretical Computer Science, 797, pp. 42–76, 2019. Also CoRR abs/1801.06396. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Possible and Certain Answers for Queries over Order-Incomplete Data. January 2018. CoRR abs/1707.07222v2. (pdf | website | bib)
P. Senellart and A. Napoli, Actes de la conférence BDA 2017. HAL, Paris, France, November 2017. (website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Possible and Certain Answers for Queries over Order-Incomplete Data. In Proc. TIME, pp. 4:1–4:19, Mons, Belgium, October 2017. (pdf | bib)
A. Meliou and P. Senellart, Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on the Web and Databases, WebDB 2017. ACM, Chicago, USA, May 2017. (website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Combined Tractability of Query Evaluation via Tree Automata and Cycluits. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 6:1–6:19, Venice, Italy, March 2017. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Combined Tractability of Query Evaluation via Tree Automata and Cycluits (Extended
Version). January 2017. CoRR abs/1612.04203. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Schockaert and P. Senellart, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management,
SUM 2016. Springer-Verlag, Nice, France, September 2016. (website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Requêtes sur des données à ordre incomplet. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul and P. Senellart, Un déluge de données. Pour la science, 433, pp. 32–35, November 2013. (website | bib)
J. Lu, P. Senellart, C. Lin, X. Du, S. Wang, and X. Chen, Optimal Top-k Generation of Attribute Combinations based on Ranked Lists. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 409–420, Scottsdale, USA, May 2012. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt and P. Senellart, Databases. In E. K. Blum and A. V. Aho, editors, Computer Science. The
Hardware, Software and Heart of It, pp. 169–229. Springer-Verlag, January 2012. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul, I. Manolescu, M.-C. Rousset, P. Rigaux, and P. Senellart, Web Data Management. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA, January 2012. (website | bib)
A. Ailamaki, S. Amer-Yahia, J. M. Patel, T. Risch, P. Senellart, and J. Stoyanovich, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Extending Database Technology,
EDBT 2011. ACM, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. (website | bib)
C. Genzmer, V. Hudlet, H. Park, D. Schall, and P. Senellart, The SIGMOD 2010 Programming Contest: A Distributed Query Engine. SIGMOD Record, 39(2), pp. 61–64, June 2010. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, A. Arion, J.-P. Dittrich, S. Manegold, N. Polyzotis, K. Schnaitter, P. Senellart, S. Zoupanos, and D. Shasha, The repeatability experiment of SIGMOD 2008. SIGMOD Record, 37(1), pp. 39–45, March 2008. (pdf | bib)
Data Provenance
S. Maniu and P. Senellart, Database Theory in Action: Making Provenance and Probabilistic Database Theory Work in
Practice (Invited Talk). In Proc. ICDT, Barcelona, Spain, March 2025. (pdf | bib)
F. Yunus, P. Karmakar, P. Senellart, T. Abdessalem, and S. Bressan, Using a Probabilistic Database in an Image Retrieval Application. In Proc. EDBT, Barcelona, Spain, March 2025. Demonstration. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, On the Impact of Provenance Semiring Theory on the Design of a Provenance-Aware
Database System. In A. Amarilli and A. Deutsch, editors, The Provenance of Elegance in Computation — Essays dedicated to Val Tannen, pp. 9:1–9:10. Schloss Dagstuhl — Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, March 2024. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Efficient Provenance-Aware Querying of Graph Databases with Datalog. In Proc. BDA, Clermont-Ferrand, France, October 2022. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Efficient Provenance-Aware Querying of Graph Databases with Datalog. In Proc. GRADES-NDA, pp. 4:1–4:9, Philadelphia, USA, June 2022. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, A Practical Dynamic Programming Approach to Datalog Provenance Computation. December 2021. CoRR abs/2112.01132. (pdf | website | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Provenance-Based Algorithms for Rich Queries over Graph Databases. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 73–84, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 2021. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Algorithmes à base de provenance pour des requêtes enrichies sur les bases de données
graphes. In Proc. BDA, online, France, October 2020. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Provenance in Databases: Principles and Applications. In Proc. RW, pp. 104–109, Bolzano, Italy, September 2019. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, L. Jachiet, S. Maniu, and Y. Ramusat, ProvSQL : Gestion de provenance et de probabilités dans PostgreSQL. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, L. Jachiet, S. Maniu, and Y. Ramusat, ProvSQL: Provenance and Probability Management in PostgreSQL. In Proc. VLDB, pp. 2034–2037, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2018. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Semiring Provenance over Graph Databases. In Proc. TaPP, Londron, United Kingdom, July 2018. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Provenance and Probabilities in Relational Databases: From Theory to Practice. SIGMOD Record, 46(4), December 2017. (pdf | bib)
Deep Web
R. Nayak, P. Senellart, F. M. Suchanek, and A. Varde, Discovering Interesting Information with Advances in Web Technology. SIGKDD Explorations, 14(2), pp. 63–81, December 2012. (pdf | bib)
M. Oita, A. Amarilli, and P. Senellart, Cross-Fertilizing Deep Web Analysis and Ontology Enrichment. In Proc. VLDS, pp. 5–8, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012. Vision article. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Bienvenu, D. Deutch, D. Martinenghi, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, Dealing with the Deep Web and all its Quirks. In Proc. VLDS, pp. 21–24, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012. Vision article. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt, T. Furche, A. Savvides, and P. Senellart, ProFoUnd: Program-analysis–based Form Understanding. In Proc. WWW, pp. 313–316, Lyon, France, April 2012. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, A. Varde, R. Nayak, and P. Senellart, The Hidden Web, XML and the Semantic Web: Scientific Data Management Perspectives. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 534–537, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. Tutorial. Also CoRR abs/1105.1929. (pdf | slides, pdf | slides, ppt | website | bib)
G. Gottlob and P. Senellart, Schema Mapping Discovery from Data Instances. Journal of the ACM, 57(2), January 2010. (pdf | bib)
A. Varde, F. M. Suchanek, R. Nayak, and P. Senellart, Knowledge Discovery over the Deep Web, Semantic Web and XML. In Proc. DASFAA, pp. 784–788, Brisbane, Australia, April 2009. Tutorial. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, A. Mittal, D. Muschick, R. Gilleron, and M. Tommasi, Automatic Wrapper Induction from Hidden-Web Sources with Domain Knowledge. In Proc. WIDM, pp. 9–16, Napa, USA, October 2008. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Google est-il un moteur de recherche efficace ? August 2008. Unpublished. (html (French) | bib)
P. Senellart and G. Gottlob, On the Complexity of Deriving Schema Mappings from Database Instances. In Proc. PODS, pp. 23–32, Vancouver, Canada, June 2008. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Explorer le « Web caché ». April 2008. Unpublished. (html (French) | bib)
P. Senellart, S. Abiteboul, and R. Gilleron, Understanding the Hidden Web. ERCIM News, 72, pp. 32–33, January 2008. (pdf | website | bib)
P. Senellart, Comprendre le Web caché. Understanding the Hidden Web. PhD thesis, Université Paris–Sud, Orsay, France, December 2007. (pdf | mpg (French) | slides (French) | bib)
Intensional Data
M. Benedikt, P. Bourhis, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Monadic Datalog, Tree Validity, and Limited Access Containment. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 21(1), pp. 6:1–6:45, 2020. (pdf | bib)
D. Basu, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, BelMan: Bayesian Bandits on the Belief–Reward Manifold. In Proc. ECML/PKDD, pp. 167–183, Würzburg, Germany, September 2019. (pdf | bib)
O. Savkovic, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Towards Approximating Incomplete Queries over Partially Complete Databases. In Proc. AMW, Montevideo, Uruguay, June 2017. (pdf | bib)
M. Han, P. Senellart, S. Bressan, and H. Wu, Routing an Autonomous Taxi with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. CIKM, Indianapolis, USA, October 2016. Industry track, short paper. (pdf | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Regularized Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 28, pp. 96–132, 2016. (pdf | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Apprentissage par renforcement pour optimiser les bases de donnéees indépendamment du
modèle de coût. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 253–268, Valencia, Spain, September 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Intensional Data on the Web. SIGWEB Newsletter, August 2015. (pdf | bib)
M. Benedikt, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Monadic Datalog Containment. In Proc. ICALP, pp. 79–91, Warwick, United Kingdom, July 2012. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Determining Relevance of Accesses at Runtime. In Proc. PODS, pp. 211–222, Athens, Greece, June 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Determining Relevance of Accesses at Runtime (Extended Version). April 2011. CoRR abs/1104.0553. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Mishra, N. Sharma, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, TheoremView: A Framework for Extracting Theorem-Like Environments from Raw PDFs. In Proc. ECIR, Lucca, Italy, April 2025. Demonstration. (pdf | bib)
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Apprentissage multimodal modulaire pour l’extraction de théorèmes et de preuves dans
des documents scientifiques longs. In Proc. EGC, Strasbourg, France, January 2025. Poster. (pdf | poster | bib)
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Modular Multimodal Machine Learning for Extraction of Theorems and Proofs in Long
Scientific Documents. In Proc. JCDL, Hong Kong, China, December 2024. Late-breaking paper. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Modular Multimodal Machine Learning for Extraction of Theorems and Proofs in Long
Scientific Documents (Extended Version). October 2024. CoRR abs/2307.09047. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Mishra, Y. Brihmouche, T. Delemazure, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, First Steps in Building a Knowledge Base of Mathematical Results. In Proc. SDP, pp. 165–174, Bangkok, Thailand, August 2024. (pdf | poster | bib)
S. Jiang and P. Senellart, Extracting Definienda in Mathematical Scholarly Articles with Transformers. In Proc. WIESP, online, Indonesia, November 2023. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
A. Gauquier and P. Senellart, Automatically Inferring the Document Class of a Scientific Article. In Proc. DocEng, pp. 11:1–11:10, Limerick, Ireland, August 2023. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Mishra, L. Pluvinage, and P. Senellart, Towards Extraction of Theorems and Proofs in Scholarly Articles. In Proc. DocEng, pp. 25:1–25:4, Limerick, Ireland, August 2021. (pdf | bib)
Crowd Data Sourcing
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Top-k Queries on Unknown Values under Order Constraints. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 5:1–5:18, Venice, Italy, March 2017. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Top-k Queries on Unknown Values under Order Constraints (Extended Version). January 2017. CoRR abs/1701.02634. (pdf | website | bib)
R. Cheng, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Databases and Crowdsourcing. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 33(1), pp. 1–2, March 2015. (pdf | bib)
R. Cheng, A. Das Sarma, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Proceedings of the First VLDB Workshop on Databases and Crowdsourcing, DBCrowd 2013. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2013. (website | bib)
Y. Amsterdamer, Y. Grossman, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Crowd Miner: Mining association rules from the crowd. In Proc. VLDB, pp. 1250–1253, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2013. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
Y. Amsterdamer, Y. Grossman, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Crowd Mining. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 241–252, New York, USA, June 2013. (pdf | poster | slides, pdf | slides, pptx | bib)
Computer Science for the Social Sciences
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, and P. Senellart, XML Content Warehousing: Improving Sociological Studies of Mailing Lists and Web Data. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 112(1), pp. 5–31, October 2011. Also CoRR abs/1108.4596. (pdf | website | bib)
M. Bourreau, F. Moreau, and P. Senellart, La diversité culturelle dans l’industrie de la musique enregistrée en France
(2003-2008). Publications du Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques, 5, October 2011. (pdf (French) | bib)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, D. Colazzo, and P. Senellart, The WebStand Project. In Proc. WebSci, Athens, Greece, March 2009. Poster. Also CoRR abs/1002.0971. (pdf | poster | website | bib)
D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, F.-X. Dudouet, B. Nguyen, P. Senellart, and A. Vion, Traiter des corpus d’information sur le Web. Vers de nouveaux usages informatiques
de l’enquête. September 2007. Presented at Congrès de l’Association française de sciences
politiques, Toulouse, France. (pdf | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, XML Warehousing Meets Sociology. In Proc. IADIS ICWI, pp. 170–174, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2005. (doc | pdf | slides | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, XML Warehousing meets Sociology... Introducing the W3C XQuery Working Group. Technical report 423, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, April 2005. (doc | pdf | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, Sociological Analysis of the W3C Standardization Process: XML Warehouse meets
Sociology. Technical report 369, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, November 2004. (pdf | bib)
Social Networks
S. Lei, S. Maniu, L. Mo, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, Online Influence Maximization. In Proc. KDD, pp. 645–654, Sydney, Australia, August 2015. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
S. Lei, S. Maniu, L. Mo, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, Online Influence Maximization (Extended Version). June 2015. CoRR abs/1506.01188. (pdf | website | bib)
M. L. Ba, S. Montenez, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Monitoring moving objects using uncertain Web data. In Proc. SIGSPATIAL, pp. 565–568, Dallas, USA, November 2014. Demonstration. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
M. L. Ba, S. Montenez, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Collecte, intégration et visualisation de données Web incertaines sur des objets
mobiles. In Proc. BDA, Autrans, France, October 2014. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
S. Abiteboul, S. Amer-Yahia, A. Marian, A. Galland, and P. Senellart, Birds of a tag flock together. In Proc. SSM, New York, USA, February 2010. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
T. Abdessalem and P. Senellart, Gestion de données dans les réseaux sociaux. Telecom, 156, pp. 56–58, January 2010. (pdf (French) | bib)
A. Dandekar, D. Basu, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidentialité différentielle à risque : Relier les sources d'aléa et un budget de
confidentialité. In Proc. BDA, online, France, October 2020. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, Disseminate your Research: Style Does Matter. In Proc. PIKM, San Francisco, USA, November 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Vérification automatique des multiplicateurs. Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2002. Long internship report. (pdf | slides | bib)
Personal Information Management Systems
D. Montoya, T. Pellissier Tanon, S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, A Knowledge Base for Personal Information Management. In Proc. LDOW, Lyon, France, April 2018. (pdf | bib)
D. Montoya, T. Pellissier Tanon, S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, Thymeflow, An Open-Source Personal Knowledge Base System. December 2016. (pdf | bib)
D. Montoya, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, Hup-Me: Inferring and Reconciling a Timeline of User Activity with Smartphone and
Personal Data. In Proc. SIGSPATIAL, Seattle, USA, November 2015. Short paper. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
Machine Translation
P. Senellart and J. Senellart, SYSTRAN Translation Stylesheets: Machine Translation driven by XSLT. In Proc. XML Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, USA, November 2005. (pdf | xml | html | slides | bib)
M. Attnäs, P. Senellart, and J. Senellart, Integration of SYSTRAN MT systems in an open workflow. In Proc. MT Summit, Phuket, Thailand, September 2005. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, Activity Report. SYSTRAN S.A., Paris, France, 2005. (pdf | bib)
Antoine Amarilli (25)
A. Amarilli, F. Capelli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Knowledge Compilation Classes and Width Parameters. Theory of Computing Systems, 64(5), pp. 861–914, 2020. Also CoRR abs/1811.02944. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Evaluating Datalog via Tree Automata and Cycluits. Theory of Computing Systems, 63(7), pp. 1620–1678, 2019. Also CoRR abs/1808.04663. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Computing Possible and Certain Answers over Order-Incomplete Data. Theoretical Computer Science, 797, pp. 42–76, 2019. Also CoRR abs/1801.06396. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Liens entre largeur et structure en compilation de connaissances. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Width and Structure in Knowledge Compilation (Extended Version). May 2018. CoRR abs/1709.06188v3. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Width and Structure in Knowledge Compilation. In Proc. ICDT, Vienna, Austria, March 2018. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Possible and Certain Answers for Queries over Order-Incomplete Data. January 2018. CoRR abs/1707.07222v2. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Possible and Certain Answers for Queries over Order-Incomplete Data. In Proc. TIME, pp. 4:1–4:19, Mons, Belgium, October 2017. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Conjunctive Queries on Probabilistic Graphs: Combined Complexity. In Proc. PODS, pp. 217–232, Chicago, USA, May 2017. Also CoRR abs/1703.03201. (pdf | poster | slides | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Combined Tractability of Query Evaluation via Tree Automata and Cycluits. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 6:1–6:19, Venice, Italy, March 2017. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Top-k Queries on Unknown Values under Order Constraints. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 5:1–5:18, Venice, Italy, March 2017. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Combined Tractability of Query Evaluation via Tree Automata and Cycluits (Extended
Version). January 2017. CoRR abs/1612.04203. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Top-k Queries on Unknown Values under Order Constraints (Extended Version). January 2017. CoRR abs/1701.02634. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Lignages efficaces sur les instances quasi-arborescentes: Limites et extensions. In Proc. BDA, Poitiers, France, November 2016. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Tractable Lineages on Treelike Instances: Limits and Extensions. In Proc. PODS, pp. 355–370, San Francisco, USA, June 2016. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Tractable Lineages on Treelike Instances: Limits and Extensions. April 2016. CoRR abs/1604.02761. (pdf | website | bib)
R. Tang, A. Amarilli, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, A Framework for Sampling-Based XML Data Pricing. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 24, pp. 116–138, 2016. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances (Extended Version). November 2015. CoRR abs/1511.08723. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Requêtes sur des données à ordre incomplet. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Circuits de provenance pour les arbres et les instances quasi-arborescentes. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Intensional Data on the Web. SIGWEB Newsletter, August 2015. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances. In Proc. ICALP, pp. 56–68, Kyoto, Japan, July 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
R. Tang, A. Amarilli, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Get a Sample for a Discount: Sampling-Based XML Data Pricing. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 20–34, Munich, Germany, September 2014. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli and P. Senellart, On the Connections between Relational and XML Probabilistic Data Models. In Proc. BNCOD, pp. 121–134, Oxford, United Kingdom, July 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Oita, A. Amarilli, and P. Senellart, Cross-Fertilizing Deep Web Analysis and Ontology Enrichment. In Proc. VLDS, pp. 5–8, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012. Vision article. (pdf | slides | bib)
Serge Abiteboul (23)
D. Montoya, T. Pellissier Tanon, S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, A Knowledge Base for Personal Information Management. In Proc. LDOW, Lyon, France, April 2018. (pdf | bib)
D. Montoya, T. Pellissier Tanon, S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, Thymeflow, An Open-Source Personal Knowledge Base System. December 2016. (pdf | bib)
D. Montoya, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, Hup-Me: Inferring and Reconciling a Timeline of User Activity with Smartphone and
Personal Data. In Proc. SIGSPATIAL, Seattle, USA, November 2015. Short paper. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Optimal Probabilistic Generation of XML Documents. Theory of Computing Systems, 57(4), pp. 806–842, November 2015. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul and P. Senellart, Un déluge de données. Pour la science, 433, pp. 32–35, November 2013. (website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Auto-Completion Learning for XML. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 669–672, Scottsdale, USA, May 2012. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and V. Vianu, The ERC Webdam on Foundations of Web Data Management. In Proc. WWW, pp. 211–214, Lyon, France, April 2012. European project track. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Finding Optimal Probabilistic Generators for XML Collections. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 127–139, Berlin, Germany, March 2012. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, I. Manolescu, M.-C. Rousset, P. Rigaux, and P. Senellart, Web Data Management. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA, January 2012. (website | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, PARIS: Probabilistic Alignment of Relations, Instances, and Schema. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 5(3), pp. 157–168, December 2011. Presented at the VLDB 2012 conference, Istanbul, Turkey. Also CoRR
abs/1111.7164. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, Ontology Alignment at the Instance and Schema Level. In Proc. BDA, Rabat, Morocco, October 2011. Conference without formal proceedings. Also registered as Technical Report
RT-0408 (2011), INRIA and CoRR abs/1111.7164. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Optimal Probabilistic Generators for XML Corpora. In Proc. BDA, Rabat, Morocco, October 2011. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Capturing Continuous Data and Answering Aggregate Queries in Probabilistic XML. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 36(4), 2011. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Aggregate Queries for Discrete and Continuous Probabilistic XML. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 50–61, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, S. Amer-Yahia, A. Marian, A. Galland, and P. Senellart, Birds of a tag flock together. In Proc. SSM, New York, USA, February 2010. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
A. Galland, S. Abiteboul, A. Marian, and P. Senellart, Corroborating Information from Disagreeing Views. In Proc. WSDM, pp. 131–140, New York, USA, February 2010. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Agrégation de documents XML probabilistes. In Proc. BDA, Namur, Belgium, October 2009. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Galland, S. Abiteboul, A. Marian, and P. Senellart, Corroboration de vues discordantes fondées sur la confiance. In Proc. BDA, Namur, Belgium, October 2009. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, B. Kimelfeld, Y. Sagiv, and P. Senellart, On the Expressiveness of Probabilistic XML Models. VLDB Journal, 18(5), pp. 1041–1064, October 2009. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, S. Abiteboul, and R. Gilleron, Understanding the Hidden Web. ERCIM News, 72, pp. 32–33, January 2008. (pdf | website | bib)
P. Senellart and S. Abiteboul, On the Complexity of Managing Probabilistic XML Data. In Proc. PODS, pp. 283–292, Beijing, China, June 2007. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul and P. Senellart, Querying and Updating Probabilistic Information in XML. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 1059–1068, Munich, Germany, March 2006. Short paper. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul and P. Senellart, Querying and Updating Probabilistic Information in XML. Technical report 435, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, December 2005. (pdf | bib)
Silviu Maniu (22)
S. Maniu and P. Senellart, Database Theory in Action: Making Provenance and Probabilistic Database Theory Work in
Practice (Invited Talk). In Proc. ICDT, Barcelona, Spain, March 2025. (pdf | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Efficient Provenance-Aware Querying of Graph Databases with Datalog. In Proc. BDA, Clermont-Ferrand, France, October 2022. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Efficient Provenance-Aware Querying of Graph Databases with Datalog. In Proc. GRADES-NDA, pp. 4:1–4:9, Philadelphia, USA, June 2022. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, A Practical Dynamic Programming Approach to Datalog Provenance Computation. December 2021. CoRR abs/2112.01132. (pdf | website | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Provenance-Based Algorithms for Rich Queries over Graph Databases. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 73–84, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 2021. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Algorithmes à base de provenance pour des requêtes enrichies sur les bases de données
graphes. In Proc. BDA, online, France, October 2020. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, An Experimental Study of the Treewidth of Real-World Graph Data. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 12:1–12:18, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2019. (pdf | bib)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, An Experimental Study of the Treewidth of Real-World Graph Data (Extended Version). January 2019. CoRR abs/1901.06862. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, Une étude expérimentale de la largeur d'arbre de données graphe du monde réel. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, L. Jachiet, S. Maniu, and Y. Ramusat, ProvSQL : Gestion de provenance et de probabilités dans PostgreSQL. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, L. Jachiet, S. Maniu, and Y. Ramusat, ProvSQL: Provenance and Probability Management in PostgreSQL. In Proc. VLDB, pp. 2034–2037, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2018. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Semiring Provenance over Graph Databases. In Proc. TaPP, Londron, United Kingdom, July 2018. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Maniu, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, An Indexing Framework for Queries on Probabilistic Graphs. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 42(2), pp. 13:1–13:34, May 2017. (pdf | bib)
S. Lei, S. Maniu, L. Mo, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, Online Influence Maximization. In Proc. KDD, pp. 645–654, Sydney, Australia, August 2015. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Intensional Data on the Web. SIGWEB Newsletter, August 2015. (pdf | bib)
S. Lei, S. Maniu, L. Mo, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, Online Influence Maximization (Extended Version). June 2015. CoRR abs/1506.01188. (pdf | website | bib)
C. Meng, R. Cheng, S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and W. Zhang, Discovering Meta-Paths in Large Heterogeneous Information Networks. In Proc. WWW, pp. 754–764, Florence, Italy, May 2015. (pdf | slides, pdf | slides, pptx | bib)
R. Cheng, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Databases and Crowdsourcing. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 33(1), pp. 1–2, March 2015. (pdf | bib)
G. Gouriten, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Scalable, Generic, and Adaptive Systems for Focused Crawling. In Proc. Hypertext, pp. 35–45, Santiago, Chile, September 2014. Douglas Engelbart Best Paper Award. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Maniu, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, ProbTree: A Query-Efficient Representation of Probabilistic Graphs. In Proc. BUDA, Snowbird, USA, June 2014. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
G. Gouriten, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Exploration adaptative de graphes sous contrainte de budget. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
R. Cheng, A. Das Sarma, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Proceedings of the First VLDB Workshop on Databases and Crowdsourcing, DBCrowd 2013. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2013. (website | bib)
M. Lamine Ba (14)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Computing Possible and Certain Answers over Order-Incomplete Data. Theoretical Computer Science, 797, pp. 42–76, 2019. Also CoRR abs/1801.06396. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Possible and Certain Answers for Queries over Order-Incomplete Data. January 2018. CoRR abs/1707.07222v2. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Possible and Certain Answers for Queries over Order-Incomplete Data. In Proc. TIME, pp. 4:1–4:19, Mons, Belgium, October 2017. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Requêtes sur des données à ordre incomplet. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, R. Horincar, P. Senellart, and H. Wu, Truth Finding with Attribute Partitioning. In Proc. WebDB, pp. 27–33, Melbourne, Australia, May 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
R. Tang, D. Shao, M. L. Ba, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, A Framework for Conditioning Probabilistic XML Data. November 2014. (pdf | bib)
M. L. Ba, S. Montenez, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Monitoring moving objects using uncertain Web data. In Proc. SIGSPATIAL, pp. 565–568, Dallas, USA, November 2014. Demonstration. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
M. L. Ba, S. Montenez, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Collecte, intégration et visualisation de données Web incertaines sur des objets
mobiles. In Proc. BDA, Autrans, France, October 2014. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Gestion de versions incertaines de documents XML. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 19(4), pp. 9–34, 2014. (pdf (French) | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Contrôle de version incertain dans l'édition collaborative ouverte de documents
arborescents. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Merging Uncertain Multi-Version XML Documents. In Proc. DChanges, Florence, Italy, September 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Uncertain Version Control in Open Collaborative Editing of Tree-Structured Documents. In Proc. DocEng, pp. 27–36, Florence, Italy, September 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Towards a Version Control Model with Uncertain Data. In Proc. PIKM, Glasgow, United Kingdom, October 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
T. Abdessalem, M. L. Ba, and P. Senellart, A Probabilistic XML Merging Tool. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 538–541, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
Stéphane Bressan (13)
F. Yunus, P. Karmakar, P. Senellart, T. Abdessalem, and S. Bressan, Using a Probabilistic Database in an Image Retrieval Application. In Proc. EDBT, Barcelona, Spain, March 2025. Demonstration. (pdf | bib)
P. Karmakar, M. Monet, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Expected Shapley-Like Scores of Boolean Functions: Complexity and Applications to
Probabilistic Databases. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data, 2(2), June 2024. Presented at the PODS 2024 conference in Santiago, Chile. Also CoRR
abs/2401.06493. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Saadeh, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidential Truth Finding with Multi-Party Computation. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 332–337, Penang, Malaysia, August 2023. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Saadeh, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidential Truth Finding with Multi-Party Computation (Extended Version). May 2023. CoRR abs/2305.14727. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
A. Dandekar, D. Basu, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidentialité différentielle à risque : Relier les sources d'aléa et un budget de
confidentialité. In Proc. BDA, online, France, October 2020. (pdf | bib)
D. Basu, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, BelMan: Bayesian Bandits on the Belief–Reward Manifold. In Proc. ECML/PKDD, pp. 167–183, Würzburg, Germany, September 2019. (pdf | bib)
M. Han, P. Senellart, S. Bressan, and H. Wu, Routing an Autonomous Taxi with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. CIKM, Indianapolis, USA, October 2016. Industry track, short paper. (pdf | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Regularized Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 28, pp. 96–132, 2016. (pdf | bib)
R. Tang, A. Amarilli, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, A Framework for Sampling-Based XML Data Pricing. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 24, pp. 116–138, 2016. (pdf | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Apprentissage par renforcement pour optimiser les bases de donnéees indépendamment du
modèle de coût. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 253–268, Valencia, Spain, September 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
R. Tang, D. Shao, M. L. Ba, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, A Framework for Conditioning Probabilistic XML Data. November 2014. (pdf | bib)
R. Tang, A. Amarilli, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Get a Sample for a Discount: Sampling-Based XML Data Pricing. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 20–34, Munich, Germany, September 2014. (pdf | slides | bib)
Pierre Bourhis (12)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
M. Benedikt, P. Bourhis, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Monadic Datalog, Tree Validity, and Limited Access Containment. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 21(1), pp. 6:1–6:45, 2020. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Evaluating Datalog via Tree Automata and Cycluits. Theory of Computing Systems, 63(7), pp. 1620–1678, 2019. Also CoRR abs/1808.04663. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Combined Tractability of Query Evaluation via Tree Automata and Cycluits. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 6:1–6:19, Venice, Italy, March 2017. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Combined Tractability of Query Evaluation via Tree Automata and Cycluits (Extended
Version). January 2017. CoRR abs/1612.04203. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Lignages efficaces sur les instances quasi-arborescentes: Limites et extensions. In Proc. BDA, Poitiers, France, November 2016. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Tractable Lineages on Treelike Instances: Limits and Extensions. In Proc. PODS, pp. 355–370, San Francisco, USA, June 2016. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Tractable Lineages on Treelike Instances: Limits and Extensions. April 2016. CoRR abs/1604.02761. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances (Extended Version). November 2015. CoRR abs/1511.08723. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Circuits de provenance pour les arbres et les instances quasi-arborescentes. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances. In Proc. ICALP, pp. 56–68, Kyoto, Japan, July 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Monadic Datalog Containment. In Proc. ICALP, pp. 79–91, Warwick, United Kingdom, July 2012. (pdf | slides | bib)
Talel Abdessalem (10)
F. Yunus, P. Karmakar, P. Senellart, T. Abdessalem, and S. Bressan, Using a Probabilistic Database in an Image Retrieval Application. In Proc. EDBT, Barcelona, Spain, March 2025. Demonstration. (pdf | bib)
M. L. Ba, S. Montenez, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Monitoring moving objects using uncertain Web data. In Proc. SIGSPATIAL, pp. 565–568, Dallas, USA, November 2014. Demonstration. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
M. L. Ba, S. Montenez, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Collecte, intégration et visualisation de données Web incertaines sur des objets
mobiles. In Proc. BDA, Autrans, France, October 2014. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Gestion de versions incertaines de documents XML. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 19(4), pp. 9–34, 2014. (pdf (French) | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Contrôle de version incertain dans l'édition collaborative ouverte de documents
arborescents. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Merging Uncertain Multi-Version XML Documents. In Proc. DChanges, Florence, Italy, September 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Uncertain Version Control in Open Collaborative Editing of Tree-Structured Documents. In Proc. DocEng, pp. 27–36, Florence, Italy, September 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. L. Ba, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Towards a Version Control Model with Uncertain Data. In Proc. PIKM, Glasgow, United Kingdom, October 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
T. Abdessalem, M. L. Ba, and P. Senellart, A Probabilistic XML Merging Tool. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 538–541, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
T. Abdessalem and P. Senellart, Gestion de données dans les réseaux sociaux. Telecom, 156, pp. 56–58, January 2010. (pdf (French) | bib)
Evgeny Kharlamov (9)
O. Savkovic, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Towards Approximating Incomplete Queries over Partially Complete Databases. In Proc. AMW, Montevideo, Uruguay, June 2017. (pdf | bib)
E. Kharlamov and P. Senellart, Modeling, Querying, and Mining Uncertain XML Data. In A. Tagarelli, editor, XML Data Mining:
Models, Methods, and Applications, pp. 29–52. IGI Global, November 2011. (pdf | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Value Joins are Expensive over (Probabilistic) XML. In Proc. LID, pp. 41–48, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Value Joins are Expensive over (Probabilistic) XML. Extended Version. Technical report KRDB11-1, KRDB Research Centre, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy, February 2011. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Capturing Continuous Data and Answering Aggregate Queries in Probabilistic XML. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 36(4), 2011. (pdf | bib)
M. Benedikt, E. Kharlamov, D. Olteanu, and P. Senellart, Probabilistic XML via Markov Chains. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 3(1), pp. 770–781, September 2010. Presented at the VLDB 2010 conference, Singapore. (pdf | slides | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Updating Probabilistic XML. In Proc. Updates in XML, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Aggregate Queries for Discrete and Continuous Probabilistic XML. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 50–61, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Agrégation de documents XML probabilistes. In Proc. BDA, Namur, Belgium, October 2009. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
Ioana Manolescu (9)
S. Abiteboul, I. Manolescu, M.-C. Rousset, P. Rigaux, and P. Senellart, Web Data Management. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA, January 2012. (website | bib)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, and P. Senellart, XML Content Warehousing: Improving Sociological Studies of Mailing Lists and Web Data. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 112(1), pp. 5–31, October 2011. Also CoRR abs/1108.4596. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, D. Colazzo, and P. Senellart, The WebStand Project. In Proc. WebSci, Athens, Greece, March 2009. Poster. Also CoRR abs/1002.0971. (pdf | poster | website | bib)
I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, A. Arion, J.-P. Dittrich, S. Manegold, N. Polyzotis, K. Schnaitter, P. Senellart, S. Zoupanos, and D. Shasha, The repeatability experiment of SIGMOD 2008. SIGMOD Record, 37(1), pp. 39–45, March 2008. (pdf | bib)
D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, F.-X. Dudouet, B. Nguyen, P. Senellart, and A. Vion, Traiter des corpus d’information sur le Web. Vers de nouveaux usages informatiques
de l’enquête. September 2007. Presented at Congrès de l’Association française de sciences
politiques, Toulouse, France. (pdf | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, XML Warehousing Meets Sociology. In Proc. IADIS ICWI, pp. 170–174, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2005. (doc | pdf | slides | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, XML Warehousing meets Sociology... Introducing the W3C XQuery Working Group. Technical report 423, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, April 2005. (doc | pdf | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, Sociological Analysis of the W3C Standardization Process: XML Warehouse meets
Sociology. Technical report 369, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, November 2004. (pdf | bib)
Mikaël Monet (9)
P. Karmakar, M. Monet, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Expected Shapley-Like Scores of Boolean Functions: Complexity and Applications to
Probabilistic Databases. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data, 2(2), June 2024. Presented at the PODS 2024 conference in Santiago, Chile. Also CoRR
abs/2401.06493. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, F. Capelli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Knowledge Compilation Classes and Width Parameters. Theory of Computing Systems, 64(5), pp. 861–914, 2020. Also CoRR abs/1811.02944. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Evaluating Datalog via Tree Automata and Cycluits. Theory of Computing Systems, 63(7), pp. 1620–1678, 2019. Also CoRR abs/1808.04663. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Liens entre largeur et structure en compilation de connaissances. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Width and Structure in Knowledge Compilation (Extended Version). May 2018. CoRR abs/1709.06188v3. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Connecting Width and Structure in Knowledge Compilation. In Proc. ICDT, Vienna, Austria, March 2018. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Conjunctive Queries on Probabilistic Graphs: Combined Complexity. In Proc. PODS, pp. 217–232, Chicago, USA, May 2017. Also CoRR abs/1703.03201. (pdf | poster | slides | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Combined Tractability of Query Evaluation via Tree Automata and Cycluits. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 6:1–6:19, Venice, Italy, March 2017. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, P. Bourhis, M. Monet, and P. Senellart, Combined Tractability of Query Evaluation via Tree Automata and Cycluits (Extended
Version). January 2017. CoRR abs/1612.04203. (pdf | website | bib)
Yael Amsterdamer (8)
A. Amarilli, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Top-k Queries on Unknown Values under Order Constraints. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 5:1–5:18, Venice, Italy, March 2017. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Top-k Queries on Unknown Values under Order Constraints (Extended Version). January 2017. CoRR abs/1701.02634. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Optimal Probabilistic Generation of XML Documents. Theory of Computing Systems, 57(4), pp. 806–842, November 2015. (pdf | bib)
Y. Amsterdamer, Y. Grossman, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Crowd Miner: Mining association rules from the crowd. In Proc. VLDB, pp. 1250–1253, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2013. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
Y. Amsterdamer, Y. Grossman, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Crowd Mining. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 241–252, New York, USA, June 2013. (pdf | poster | slides, pdf | slides, pptx | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Auto-Completion Learning for XML. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 669–672, Scottsdale, USA, May 2012. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Finding Optimal Probabilistic Generators for XML Collections. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 127–139, Berlin, Germany, March 2012. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Optimal Probabilistic Generators for XML Corpora. In Proc. BDA, Rabat, Morocco, October 2011. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
Michael Benedikt (8)
M. Benedikt, P. Bourhis, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Monadic Datalog, Tree Validity, and Limited Access Containment. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 21(1), pp. 6:1–6:45, 2020. (pdf | bib)
B. Spencer, M. Benedikt, and P. Senellart, Form Filling based on Constraint Solving. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 95–113, Cáceres, Spain, June 2018. (pdf | bib)
M. Benedikt, P. Bourhis, and P. Senellart, Monadic Datalog Containment. In Proc. ICALP, pp. 79–91, Warwick, United Kingdom, July 2012. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt, T. Furche, A. Savvides, and P. Senellart, ProFoUnd: Program-analysis–based Form Understanding. In Proc. WWW, pp. 313–316, Lyon, France, April 2012. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt and P. Senellart, Databases. In E. K. Blum and A. V. Aho, editors, Computer Science. The
Hardware, Software and Heart of It, pp. 169–229. Springer-Verlag, January 2012. (pdf | bib)
M. Benedikt, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Determining Relevance of Accesses at Runtime. In Proc. PODS, pp. 211–222, Athens, Greece, June 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Determining Relevance of Accesses at Runtime (Extended Version). April 2011. CoRR abs/1104.0553. (pdf | website | bib)
M. Benedikt, E. Kharlamov, D. Olteanu, and P. Senellart, Probabilistic XML via Markov Chains. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 3(1), pp. 770–781, September 2010. Presented at the VLDB 2010 conference, Singapore. (pdf | slides | bib)
Daniel Deutch (8)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Computing Possible and Certain Answers over Order-Incomplete Data. Theoretical Computer Science, 797, pp. 42–76, 2019. Also CoRR abs/1801.06396. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Possible and Certain Answers for Queries over Order-Incomplete Data. January 2018. CoRR abs/1707.07222v2. (pdf | website | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Possible and Certain Answers for Queries over Order-Incomplete Data. In Proc. TIME, pp. 4:1–4:19, Mons, Belgium, October 2017. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Optimal Probabilistic Generation of XML Documents. Theory of Computing Systems, 57(4), pp. 806–842, November 2015. (pdf | bib)
A. Amarilli, M. L. Ba, D. Deutch, and P. Senellart, Requêtes sur des données à ordre incomplet. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Bienvenu, D. Deutch, D. Martinenghi, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, Dealing with the Deep Web and all its Quirks. In Proc. VLDS, pp. 21–24, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012. Vision article. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Finding Optimal Probabilistic Generators for XML Collections. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 127–139, Berlin, Germany, March 2012. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Optimal Probabilistic Generators for XML Corpora. In Proc. BDA, Rabat, Morocco, October 2011. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
Tova Milo (8)
A. Amarilli, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Top-k Queries on Unknown Values under Order Constraints. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 5:1–5:18, Venice, Italy, March 2017. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
A. Amarilli, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Top-k Queries on Unknown Values under Order Constraints (Extended Version). January 2017. CoRR abs/1701.02634. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Optimal Probabilistic Generation of XML Documents. Theory of Computing Systems, 57(4), pp. 806–842, November 2015. (pdf | bib)
Y. Amsterdamer, Y. Grossman, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Crowd Miner: Mining association rules from the crowd. In Proc. VLDB, pp. 1250–1253, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2013. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
Y. Amsterdamer, Y. Grossman, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Crowd Mining. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 241–252, New York, USA, June 2013. (pdf | poster | slides, pdf | slides, pptx | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Auto-Completion Learning for XML. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 669–672, Scottsdale, USA, May 2012. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Finding Optimal Probabilistic Generators for XML Collections. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 127–139, Berlin, Germany, March 2012. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, Y. Amsterdamer, D. Deutch, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Optimal Probabilistic Generators for XML Corpora. In Proc. BDA, Rabat, Morocco, October 2011. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
Yann Ramusat (8)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Efficient Provenance-Aware Querying of Graph Databases with Datalog. In Proc. BDA, Clermont-Ferrand, France, October 2022. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Efficient Provenance-Aware Querying of Graph Databases with Datalog. In Proc. GRADES-NDA, pp. 4:1–4:9, Philadelphia, USA, June 2022. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, A Practical Dynamic Programming Approach to Datalog Provenance Computation. December 2021. CoRR abs/2112.01132. (pdf | website | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Provenance-Based Algorithms for Rich Queries over Graph Databases. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 73–84, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 2021. (pdf | slides | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Algorithmes à base de provenance pour des requêtes enrichies sur les bases de données
graphes. In Proc. BDA, online, France, October 2020. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, L. Jachiet, S. Maniu, and Y. Ramusat, ProvSQL : Gestion de provenance et de probabilités dans PostgreSQL. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, L. Jachiet, S. Maniu, and Y. Ramusat, ProvSQL: Provenance and Probability Management in PostgreSQL. In Proc. VLDB, pp. 2034–2037, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2018. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
Y. Ramusat, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Semiring Provenance over Graph Databases. In Proc. TaPP, Londron, United Kingdom, July 2018. (pdf | slides | bib)
Fabian Suchanek (8)
D. Montoya, T. Pellissier Tanon, S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, A Knowledge Base for Personal Information Management. In Proc. LDOW, Lyon, France, April 2018. (pdf | bib)
D. Montoya, T. Pellissier Tanon, S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, Thymeflow, An Open-Source Personal Knowledge Base System. December 2016. (pdf | bib)
R. Nayak, P. Senellart, F. M. Suchanek, and A. Varde, Discovering Interesting Information with Advances in Web Technology. SIGKDD Explorations, 14(2), pp. 63–81, December 2012. (pdf | bib)
M. Bienvenu, D. Deutch, D. Martinenghi, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, Dealing with the Deep Web and all its Quirks. In Proc. VLDS, pp. 21–24, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012. Vision article. (pdf | slides | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, PARIS: Probabilistic Alignment of Relations, Instances, and Schema. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 5(3), pp. 157–168, December 2011. Presented at the VLDB 2012 conference, Istanbul, Turkey. Also CoRR
abs/1111.7164. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, Ontology Alignment at the Instance and Schema Level. In Proc. BDA, Rabat, Morocco, October 2011. Conference without formal proceedings. Also registered as Technical Report
RT-0408 (2011), INRIA and CoRR abs/1111.7164. (pdf | website | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, A. Varde, R. Nayak, and P. Senellart, The Hidden Web, XML and the Semantic Web: Scientific Data Management Perspectives. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 534–537, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. Tutorial. Also CoRR abs/1105.1929. (pdf | slides, pdf | slides, ppt | website | bib)
A. Varde, F. M. Suchanek, R. Nayak, and P. Senellart, Knowledge Discovery over the Deep Web, Semantic Web and XML. In Proc. DASFAA, pp. 784–788, Brisbane, Australia, April 2009. Tutorial. (pdf | slides | bib)
Reynold Cheng (7)
S. Maniu, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, An Indexing Framework for Queries on Probabilistic Graphs. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 42(2), pp. 13:1–13:34, May 2017. (pdf | bib)
S. Lei, S. Maniu, L. Mo, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, Online Influence Maximization. In Proc. KDD, pp. 645–654, Sydney, Australia, August 2015. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
S. Lei, S. Maniu, L. Mo, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, Online Influence Maximization (Extended Version). June 2015. CoRR abs/1506.01188. (pdf | website | bib)
C. Meng, R. Cheng, S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and W. Zhang, Discovering Meta-Paths in Large Heterogeneous Information Networks. In Proc. WWW, pp. 754–764, Florence, Italy, May 2015. (pdf | slides, pdf | slides, pptx | bib)
R. Cheng, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Databases and Crowdsourcing. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 33(1), pp. 1–2, March 2015. (pdf | bib)
S. Maniu, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, ProbTree: A Query-Efficient Representation of Probabilistic Graphs. In Proc. BUDA, Snowbird, USA, June 2014. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
R. Cheng, A. Das Sarma, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Proceedings of the First VLDB Workshop on Databases and Crowdsourcing, DBCrowd 2013. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2013. (website | bib)
Muhammad Faheem (7)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Adaptive Web Crawling through Structure-Based Link Classification. In Proc. ICADL, pp. 39–51, Seoul, South Korea, December 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, M. Faheem, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, ARCOMEM Crawling Architecture. Future Internet, 6(3), pp. 518–541, August 2014. (pdf | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Crawl intelligent et adaptatif d’applications Web pour l’archivage du Web. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 19(4), pp. 61–86, 2014. (pdf (French) | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Collecte intelligente et adaptative d'applications Web pour l'archivage du Web. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Une démonstration d’un crawler intelligent pour les applications Web. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | mp4 | poster | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Demonstrating Intelligent Crawling and Archiving of Web Applications. In Proc. CIKM, pp. 2481–2484, San Francisco, USA, October 2013. Demonstration. (pdf | mp4 | poster | bib)
M. Faheem and P. Senellart, Intelligent and Adaptive Crawling of Web Applications for Web Archiving. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 306–322, Aalborg, Denmark, July 2013. (pdf | slides | bib)
Werner Nutt (7)
O. Savkovic, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Towards Approximating Incomplete Queries over Partially Complete Databases. In Proc. AMW, Montevideo, Uruguay, June 2017. (pdf | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Value Joins are Expensive over (Probabilistic) XML. In Proc. LID, pp. 41–48, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Value Joins are Expensive over (Probabilistic) XML. Extended Version. Technical report KRDB11-1, KRDB Research Centre, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy, February 2011. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Capturing Continuous Data and Answering Aggregate Queries in Probabilistic XML. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 36(4), 2011. (pdf | bib)
E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Updating Probabilistic XML. In Proc. Updates in XML, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Aggregate Queries for Discrete and Continuous Probabilistic XML. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 50–61, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Agrégation de documents XML probabilistes. In Proc. BDA, Namur, Belgium, October 2009. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
François-Xavier Dudouet (6)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, and P. Senellart, XML Content Warehousing: Improving Sociological Studies of Mailing Lists and Web Data. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 112(1), pp. 5–31, October 2011. Also CoRR abs/1108.4596. (pdf | website | bib)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, D. Colazzo, and P. Senellart, The WebStand Project. In Proc. WebSci, Athens, Greece, March 2009. Poster. Also CoRR abs/1002.0971. (pdf | poster | website | bib)
D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, F.-X. Dudouet, B. Nguyen, P. Senellart, and A. Vion, Traiter des corpus d’information sur le Web. Vers de nouveaux usages informatiques
de l’enquête. September 2007. Presented at Congrès de l’Association française de sciences
politiques, Toulouse, France. (pdf | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, XML Warehousing Meets Sociology. In Proc. IADIS ICWI, pp. 170–174, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2005. (doc | pdf | slides | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, XML Warehousing meets Sociology... Introducing the W3C XQuery Working Group. Technical report 423, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, April 2005. (doc | pdf | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, Sociological Analysis of the W3C Standardization Process: XML Warehouse meets
Sociology. Technical report 369, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, November 2004. (pdf | bib)
Antoine Gauquier (6)
S. Mishra, N. Sharma, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, TheoremView: A Framework for Extracting Theorem-Like Environments from Raw PDFs. In Proc. ECIR, Lucca, Italy, April 2025. Demonstration. (pdf | bib)
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Apprentissage multimodal modulaire pour l’extraction de théorèmes et de preuves dans
des documents scientifiques longs. In Proc. EGC, Strasbourg, France, January 2025. Poster. (pdf | poster | bib)
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Modular Multimodal Machine Learning for Extraction of Theorems and Proofs in Long
Scientific Documents. In Proc. JCDL, Hong Kong, China, December 2024. Late-breaking paper. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Modular Multimodal Machine Learning for Extraction of Theorems and Proofs in Long
Scientific Documents (Extended Version). October 2024. CoRR abs/2307.09047. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Mishra, Y. Brihmouche, T. Delemazure, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, First Steps in Building a Knowledge Base of Mathematical Results. In Proc. SDP, pp. 165–174, Bangkok, Thailand, August 2024. (pdf | poster | bib)
A. Gauquier and P. Senellart, Automatically Inferring the Document Class of a Scientific Article. In Proc. DocEng, pp. 11:1–11:10, Limerick, Ireland, August 2023. (pdf | slides | bib)
Shrey Mishra (6)
S. Mishra, N. Sharma, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, TheoremView: A Framework for Extracting Theorem-Like Environments from Raw PDFs. In Proc. ECIR, Lucca, Italy, April 2025. Demonstration. (pdf | bib)
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Apprentissage multimodal modulaire pour l’extraction de théorèmes et de preuves dans
des documents scientifiques longs. In Proc. EGC, Strasbourg, France, January 2025. Poster. (pdf | poster | bib)
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Modular Multimodal Machine Learning for Extraction of Theorems and Proofs in Long
Scientific Documents. In Proc. JCDL, Hong Kong, China, December 2024. Late-breaking paper. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Mishra, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, Modular Multimodal Machine Learning for Extraction of Theorems and Proofs in Long
Scientific Documents (Extended Version). October 2024. CoRR abs/2307.09047. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Mishra, Y. Brihmouche, T. Delemazure, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, First Steps in Building a Knowledge Base of Mathematical Results. In Proc. SDP, pp. 165–174, Bangkok, Thailand, August 2024. (pdf | poster | bib)
S. Mishra, L. Pluvinage, and P. Senellart, Towards Extraction of Theorems and Proofs in Scholarly Articles. In Proc. DocEng, pp. 25:1–25:4, Limerick, Ireland, August 2021. (pdf | bib)
Benjamin Nguyen (6)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, and P. Senellart, XML Content Warehousing: Improving Sociological Studies of Mailing Lists and Web Data. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 112(1), pp. 5–31, October 2011. Also CoRR abs/1108.4596. (pdf | website | bib)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, D. Colazzo, and P. Senellart, The WebStand Project. In Proc. WebSci, Athens, Greece, March 2009. Poster. Also CoRR abs/1002.0971. (pdf | poster | website | bib)
D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, F.-X. Dudouet, B. Nguyen, P. Senellart, and A. Vion, Traiter des corpus d’information sur le Web. Vers de nouveaux usages informatiques
de l’enquête. September 2007. Presented at Congrès de l’Association française de sciences
politiques, Toulouse, France. (pdf | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, XML Warehousing Meets Sociology. In Proc. IADIS ICWI, pp. 170–174, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2005. (doc | pdf | slides | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, XML Warehousing meets Sociology... Introducing the W3C XQuery Working Group. Technical report 423, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, April 2005. (doc | pdf | bib)
F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, B. Nguyen, and P. Senellart, Sociological Analysis of the W3C Standardization Process: XML Warehouse meets
Sociology. Technical report 369, Gemo, INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France, November 2004. (pdf | bib)
Thomas Risse (6)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, M. Faheem, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, ARCOMEM Crawling Architecture. Future Internet, 6(3), pp. 518–541, August 2014. (pdf | bib)
T. Risse, W. Peters, P. Senellart, and D. Maynard, Documenting Contemporary Society by Preserving Relevant Information from Twitter. In K. Weller, A. Bruns, J. Burgess, M. Mahrt, and C. Puschmann, editors, Twitter and Society, pp. 207–219. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, November 2013. (pdf | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, An Architecture for Selective Web Harvesting: The Use Case of Heritrix. In Proc. ARCOMEM, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2013. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
T. Risse, W. Peters, and P. Senellart, Social and Semantic Driven Web Harvesting. In Proc. Building Web Observatories, Paris, France, May 2013. (pdf | bib)
T. Risse, S. Dietze, W. Peters, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, and P. Senellart, Exploiting the Social and Semantic Web for guided Web Archiving. In Proc. TPDL, pp. 426–432, Paphos, Cyprus, September 2012. Poster. (pdf | poster | bib)
Debabrota Basu (5)
A. Dandekar, D. Basu, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidentialité différentielle à risque : Relier les sources d'aléa et un budget de
confidentialité. In Proc. BDA, online, France, October 2020. (pdf | bib)
D. Basu, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, BelMan: Bayesian Bandits on the Belief–Reward Manifold. In Proc. ECML/PKDD, pp. 167–183, Würzburg, Germany, September 2019. (pdf | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Regularized Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 28, pp. 96–132, 2016. (pdf | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Apprentissage par renforcement pour optimiser les bases de donnéees indépendamment du
modèle de coût. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 253–268, Valencia, Spain, September 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
Georg Gottlob (5)
M. Benedikt, P. Bourhis, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Monadic Datalog, Tree Validity, and Limited Access Containment. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 21(1), pp. 6:1–6:45, 2020. (pdf | bib)
M. Benedikt, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Determining Relevance of Accesses at Runtime. In Proc. PODS, pp. 211–222, Athens, Greece, June 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Benedikt, G. Gottlob, and P. Senellart, Determining Relevance of Accesses at Runtime (Extended Version). April 2011. CoRR abs/1104.0553. (pdf | website | bib)
G. Gottlob and P. Senellart, Schema Mapping Discovery from Data Instances. Journal of the ACM, 57(2), January 2010. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart and G. Gottlob, On the Complexity of Deriving Schema Mappings from Database Instances. In Proc. PODS, pp. 23–32, Vancouver, Canada, June 2008. (pdf | slides | bib)
Marilena Oita (5)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, FOREST: Focused Object Retrieval by Exploiting Significant Tag Paths. In Proc. WebDB, pp. 55–61, Melbourne, Australia, May 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Oita, A. Amarilli, and P. Senellart, Cross-Fertilizing Deep Web Analysis and Ontology Enrichment. In Proc. VLDS, pp. 5–8, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012. Vision article. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, Deriving Dynamics of Web Pages: A Survey. In Proc. TWAW, pp. 25–32, Hyderabad, India, March 2011. (pdf | slides | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, Archivage du contenu éphémère du Web à l’aide des flux Web. In Proc. BDA, Toulouse, France, October 2010. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
M. Oita and P. Senellart, Archiving Data Objects Using Web Feeds. In Proc. IWAW, pp. 31–41, Vienna, Austria, September 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
Asma Souihli (5)
A. Souihli and P. Senellart, Optimizing Approximations of DNF Query Lineage in Probabilistic XML. In Proc. ICDE, pp. 721–732, Brisbane, Australia, April 2013. (pdf | bib)
A. Souihli and P. Senellart, Optimisation des approximations de probabilité des requêtes en XML probabiliste. In Proc. BDA, Clermont-Ferrand, France, October 2012. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Souihli and P. Senellart, Demonstrating ProApproX 2.0: A Predictive Query Engine for Probabilistic XML. In Proc. CIKM, pp. 2734–2736, Maui, Hawaii, USA, October 2012. Demonstration. (pdf | mp4 | poster | bib)
P. Senellart and A. Souihli, ProApproX: A Lightweight Approximation Query Processor over Probabilistic Trees. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 1295–1298, Athens, Greece, June 2011. Demonstration. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
P. Senellart and A. Souihli, Un Système de gestion de données XML probabilistes. In Proc. BDA, Toulouse, France, October 2010. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
Vincent Blondel (4)
P. Senellart and V. D. Blondel, Automatic discovery of similar words. In M. W. Berry and M. Castellanos, editors, Survey of Text Mining II:
Clustering, Classification and Retrieval, pp. 25–44. Springer-Verlag, January 2008. (pdf | bib)
V. D. Blondel, A. Gajardo, M. Heymans, P. Senellart, and P. Van Dooren, A measure of similarity between graph vertices: applications to synonym extraction and
Web searching. SIAM Review, 46(4), pp. 647–666, 2004. Also CoRR cs.IR/0407061. (pdf | website | bib)
P. Senellart and V. D. Blondel, Automatic discovery of similar words. In M. W. Berry, editor, Survey of Text Mining: Clustering, Classification and Retrieval, pp. 25–43. Springer-Verlag, August 2003. (pdf | bib)
V. D. Blondel and P. Senellart, Automatic extraction of synonyms in a dictionary. In Proc. TMW, pp. 7–13, Arlington, USA, April 2002. Also registered as Technical Report 89 (2001), Université catholique de
Louvain, Louvain-la-neuve. (pdf | slides | bib)
Wim Peters (4)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
T. Risse, W. Peters, P. Senellart, and D. Maynard, Documenting Contemporary Society by Preserving Relevant Information from Twitter. In K. Weller, A. Bruns, J. Burgess, M. Mahrt, and C. Puschmann, editors, Twitter and Society, pp. 207–219. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, November 2013. (pdf | bib)
T. Risse, W. Peters, and P. Senellart, Social and Semantic Driven Web Harvesting. In Proc. Building Web Observatories, Paris, France, May 2013. (pdf | bib)
T. Risse, S. Dietze, W. Peters, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, and P. Senellart, Exploiting the Social and Semantic Web for guided Web Archiving. In Proc. TPDL, pp. 426–432, Paphos, Cyprus, September 2012. Poster. (pdf | poster | bib)
Yannis Stavrakas (4)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, M. Faheem, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, ARCOMEM Crawling Architecture. Future Internet, 6(3), pp. 518–541, August 2014. (pdf | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, An Architecture for Selective Web Harvesting: The Use Case of Heritrix. In Proc. ARCOMEM, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2013. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
T. Risse, S. Dietze, W. Peters, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, and P. Senellart, Exploiting the Social and Semantic Web for guided Web Archiving. In Proc. TPDL, pp. 426–432, Paphos, Cyprus, September 2012. Poster. (pdf | poster | bib)
Sihem Amer-Yahia (3)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
A. Ailamaki, S. Amer-Yahia, J. M. Patel, T. Risch, P. Senellart, and J. Stoyanovich, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Extending Database Technology,
EDBT 2011. ACM, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. (website | bib)
S. Abiteboul, S. Amer-Yahia, A. Marian, A. Galland, and P. Senellart, Birds of a tag flock together. In Proc. SSM, New York, USA, February 2010. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
Florent Carpentier (3)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, M. Faheem, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, ARCOMEM Crawling Architecture. Future Internet, 6(3), pp. 518–541, August 2014. (pdf | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, An Architecture for Selective Web Harvesting: The Use Case of Heritrix. In Proc. ARCOMEM, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2013. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
T-H. Hubert Chan (3)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Capturing Continuous Data and Answering Aggregate Queries in Probabilistic XML. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 36(4), 2011. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Aggregate Queries for Discrete and Continuous Probabilistic XML. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 50–61, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2010. (pdf | slides | bib)
S. Abiteboul, T-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, and P. Senellart, Agrégation de documents XML probabilistes. In Proc. BDA, Namur, Belgium, October 2009. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
Dario Colazzo (3)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, and P. Senellart, XML Content Warehousing: Improving Sociological Studies of Mailing Lists and Web Data. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 112(1), pp. 5–31, October 2011. Also CoRR abs/1108.4596. (pdf | website | bib)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, D. Colazzo, and P. Senellart, The WebStand Project. In Proc. WebSci, Athens, Greece, March 2009. Poster. Also CoRR abs/1002.0971. (pdf | poster | website | bib)
D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, F.-X. Dudouet, B. Nguyen, P. Senellart, and A. Vion, Traiter des corpus d’information sur le Web. Vers de nouveaux usages informatiques
de l’enquête. September 2007. Presented at Congrès de l’Association française de sciences
politiques, Toulouse, France. (pdf | bib)
Alban Galland (3)
S. Abiteboul, S. Amer-Yahia, A. Marian, A. Galland, and P. Senellart, Birds of a tag flock together. In Proc. SSM, New York, USA, February 2010. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
A. Galland, S. Abiteboul, A. Marian, and P. Senellart, Corroborating Information from Disagreeing Views. In Proc. WSDM, pp. 131–140, New York, USA, February 2010. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
A. Galland, S. Abiteboul, A. Marian, and P. Senellart, Corroboration de vues discordantes fondées sur la confiance. In Proc. BDA, Namur, Belgium, October 2009. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
Georges Gouriten (3)
G. Gouriten, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Scalable, Generic, and Adaptive Systems for Focused Crawling. In Proc. Hypertext, pp. 35–45, Santiago, Chile, September 2014. Douglas Engelbart Best Paper Award. (pdf | slides | bib)
G. Gouriten, S. Maniu, and P. Senellart, Exploration adaptative de graphes sous contrainte de budget. In Proc. BDA, Nantes, France, October 2013. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
G. Gouriten and P. Senellart, API Blender: A Uniform Interface to Social Platform APIs. In Proc. WWW, Lyon, France, April 2012. Developer track. Also CoRR abs/1301.2086. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
Suraj Jog (3)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, An Experimental Study of the Treewidth of Real-World Graph Data. In Proc. ICDT, pp. 12:1–12:18, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2019. (pdf | bib)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, An Experimental Study of the Treewidth of Real-World Graph Data (Extended Version). January 2019. CoRR abs/1901.06862. (pdf | website | bib)
S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and S. Jog, Une étude expérimentale de la largeur d'arbre de données graphe du monde réel. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
Qian Lin (3)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Regularized Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 28, pp. 96–132, 2016. (pdf | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Apprentissage par renforcement pour optimiser les bases de donnéees indépendamment du
modèle de coût. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 253–268, Valencia, Spain, September 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
Amélie Marian (3)
S. Abiteboul, S. Amer-Yahia, A. Marian, A. Galland, and P. Senellart, Birds of a tag flock together. In Proc. SSM, New York, USA, February 2010. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | poster | bib)
A. Galland, S. Abiteboul, A. Marian, and P. Senellart, Corroborating Information from Disagreeing Views. In Proc. WSDM, pp. 131–140, New York, USA, February 2010. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
A. Galland, S. Abiteboul, A. Marian, and P. Senellart, Corroboration de vues discordantes fondées sur la confiance. In Proc. BDA, Namur, Belgium, October 2009. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
David Montoya (3)
D. Montoya, T. Pellissier Tanon, S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, A Knowledge Base for Personal Information Management. In Proc. LDOW, Lyon, France, April 2018. (pdf | bib)
D. Montoya, T. Pellissier Tanon, S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, Thymeflow, An Open-Source Personal Knowledge Base System. December 2016. (pdf | bib)
D. Montoya, S. Abiteboul, and P. Senellart, Hup-Me: Inferring and Reconciling a Timeline of User Activity with Smartphone and
Personal Data. In Proc. SIGSPATIAL, Seattle, USA, November 2015. Short paper. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
Richi Nayak (3)
R. Nayak, P. Senellart, F. M. Suchanek, and A. Varde, Discovering Interesting Information with Advances in Web Technology. SIGKDD Explorations, 14(2), pp. 63–81, December 2012. (pdf | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, A. Varde, R. Nayak, and P. Senellart, The Hidden Web, XML and the Semantic Web: Scientific Data Management Perspectives. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 534–537, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. Tutorial. Also CoRR abs/1105.1929. (pdf | slides, pdf | slides, ppt | website | bib)
A. Varde, F. M. Suchanek, R. Nayak, and P. Senellart, Knowledge Discovery over the Deep Web, Semantic Web and XML. In Proc. DASFAA, pp. 784–788, Brisbane, Australia, April 2009. Tutorial. (pdf | slides | bib)
Vassilis Plachouras (3)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, M. Faheem, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, ARCOMEM Crawling Architecture. Future Internet, 6(3), pp. 518–541, August 2014. (pdf | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, An Architecture for Selective Web Harvesting: The Use Case of Heritrix. In Proc. ARCOMEM, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2013. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
Patrick Siehndel (3)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, M. Faheem, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, ARCOMEM Crawling Architecture. Future Internet, 6(3), pp. 518–541, August 2014. (pdf | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, An Architecture for Selective Web Harvesting: The Use Case of Heritrix. In Proc. ARCOMEM, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2013. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
Ruiming Tang (3)
R. Tang, A. Amarilli, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, A Framework for Sampling-Based XML Data Pricing. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 24, pp. 116–138, 2016. (pdf | bib)
R. Tang, D. Shao, M. L. Ba, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, A Framework for Conditioning Probabilistic XML Data. November 2014. (pdf | bib)
R. Tang, A. Amarilli, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Get a Sample for a Discount: Sampling-Based XML Data Pricing. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 20–34, Munich, Germany, September 2014. (pdf | slides | bib)
Aparna Varde (3)
R. Nayak, P. Senellart, F. M. Suchanek, and A. Varde, Discovering Interesting Information with Advances in Web Technology. SIGKDD Explorations, 14(2), pp. 63–81, December 2012. (pdf | bib)
F. M. Suchanek, A. Varde, R. Nayak, and P. Senellart, The Hidden Web, XML and the Semantic Web: Scientific Data Management Perspectives. In Proc. EDBT, pp. 534–537, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. Tutorial. Also CoRR abs/1105.1929. (pdf | slides, pdf | slides, ppt | website | bib)
A. Varde, F. M. Suchanek, R. Nayak, and P. Senellart, Knowledge Discovery over the Deep Web, Semantic Web and XML. In Proc. DASFAA, pp. 784–788, Brisbane, Australia, April 2009. Tutorial. (pdf | slides | bib)
Antoine Vion (3)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, and P. Senellart, XML Content Warehousing: Improving Sociological Studies of Mailing Lists and Web Data. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 112(1), pp. 5–31, October 2011. Also CoRR abs/1108.4596. (pdf | website | bib)
B. Nguyen, A. Vion, F.-X. Dudouet, I. Manolescu, D. Colazzo, and P. Senellart, The WebStand Project. In Proc. WebSci, Athens, Greece, March 2009. Poster. Also CoRR abs/1002.0971. (pdf | poster | website | bib)
D. Colazzo, I. Manolescu, F.-X. Dudouet, B. Nguyen, P. Senellart, and A. Vion, Traiter des corpus d’information sur le Web. Vers de nouveaux usages informatiques
de l’enquête. September 2007. Presented at Congrès de l’Association française de sciences
politiques, Toulouse, France. (pdf | bib)
Zihong Yuan (3)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Regularized Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 28, pp. 96–132, 2016. (pdf | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Apprentissage par renforcement pour optimiser les bases de donnéees indépendamment du
modèle de coût. In Proc. BDA, Porquerolles, France, September 2015. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | slides | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 253–268, Valencia, Spain, September 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
Loredana Afanasiev (2)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, A. Arion, J.-P. Dittrich, S. Manegold, N. Polyzotis, K. Schnaitter, P. Senellart, S. Zoupanos, and D. Shasha, The repeatability experiment of SIGMOD 2008. SIGMOD Record, 37(1), pp. 39–45, March 2008. (pdf | bib)
Weidong Chen (2)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Regularized Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 28, pp. 96–132, 2016. (pdf | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 253–268, Valencia, Spain, September 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
Stefan Dietze (2)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
T. Risse, S. Dietze, W. Peters, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, and P. Senellart, Exploiting the Social and Semantic Web for guided Web Archiving. In Proc. TPDL, pp. 426–432, Paphos, Cyprus, September 2012. Poster. (pdf | poster | bib)
Katerina Doka (2)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
T. Risse, S. Dietze, W. Peters, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, and P. Senellart, Exploiting the Social and Semantic Web for guided Web Archiving. In Proc. TPDL, pp. 426–432, Paphos, Cyprus, September 2012. Poster. (pdf | poster | bib)
Rémi Gilleron (2)
P. Senellart, A. Mittal, D. Muschick, R. Gilleron, and M. Tommasi, Automatic Wrapper Induction from Hidden-Web Sources with Domain Knowledge. In Proc. WIDM, pp. 9–16, Napa, USA, October 2008. (pdf | slides | bib)
P. Senellart, S. Abiteboul, and R. Gilleron, Understanding the Hidden Web. ERCIM News, 72, pp. 32–33, January 2008. (pdf | website | bib)
Yael Grossman (2)
Y. Amsterdamer, Y. Grossman, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Crowd Miner: Mining association rules from the crowd. In Proc. VLDB, pp. 1250–1253, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2013. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
Y. Amsterdamer, Y. Grossman, T. Milo, and P. Senellart, Crowd Mining. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 241–252, New York, USA, June 2013. (pdf | poster | slides, pdf | slides, pptx | bib)
Miyoung Han (2)
M. Han, P.-H. Wuillemin, and P. Senellart, Focused Crawling through Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. ICWE, pp. 261–278, Cáceres, Spain, June 2018. (pdf | bib)
M. Han, P. Senellart, S. Bressan, and H. Wu, Routing an Autonomous Taxi with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. CIKM, Indianapolis, USA, October 2016. Industry track, short paper. (pdf | bib)
Louis Jachiet (2)
P. Senellart, L. Jachiet, S. Maniu, and Y. Ramusat, ProvSQL : Gestion de provenance et de probabilités dans PostgreSQL. In Proc. BDA, Bucharest, Romania, November 2018. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
P. Senellart, L. Jachiet, S. Maniu, and Y. Ramusat, ProvSQL: Provenance and Probability Management in PostgreSQL. In Proc. VLDB, pp. 2034–2037, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2018. Demonstration. (pdf | poster | bib)
Pratik Karmakar (2)
F. Yunus, P. Karmakar, P. Senellart, T. Abdessalem, and S. Bressan, Using a Probabilistic Database in an Image Retrieval Application. In Proc. EDBT, Barcelona, Spain, March 2025. Demonstration. (pdf | bib)
P. Karmakar, M. Monet, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Expected Shapley-Like Scores of Boolean Functions: Complexity and Applications to
Probabilistic Databases. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data, 2(2), June 2024. Presented at the PODS 2024 conference in Santiago, Chile. Also CoRR
abs/2401.06493. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
Benny Kimelfeld (2)
B. Kimelfeld and P. Senellart, Probabilistic XML: Models and Complexity. In Z. Ma and L. Yan, editors, Advances in Probabilistic
Databases for Uncertain Information Management, pp. 39–66. Springer-Verlag, May 2013. (pdf | bib)
S. Abiteboul, B. Kimelfeld, Y. Sagiv, and P. Senellart, On the Expressiveness of Probabilistic XML Models. VLDB Journal, 18(5), pp. 1041–1064, October 2009. (pdf | bib)
Siyu Lei (2)
S. Lei, S. Maniu, L. Mo, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, Online Influence Maximization. In Proc. KDD, pp. 645–654, Sydney, Australia, August 2015. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
S. Lei, S. Maniu, L. Mo, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, Online Influence Maximization (Extended Version). June 2015. CoRR abs/1506.01188. (pdf | website | bib)
Stefan Manegold (2)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, A. Arion, J.-P. Dittrich, S. Manegold, N. Polyzotis, K. Schnaitter, P. Senellart, S. Zoupanos, and D. Shasha, The repeatability experiment of SIGMOD 2008. SIGMOD Record, 37(1), pp. 39–45, March 2008. (pdf | bib)
Julien Masanès (2)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, M. Faheem, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, ARCOMEM Crawling Architecture. Future Internet, 6(3), pp. 518–541, August 2014. (pdf | bib)
V. Plachouras, F. Carpentier, J. Masanès, T. Risse, P. Senellart, P. Siehndel, and Y. Stavrakas, An Architecture for Selective Web Harvesting: The Use Case of Heritrix. In Proc. ARCOMEM, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2013. Workshop without formal proceedings. (pdf | bib)
Luyi Mo (2)
S. Lei, S. Maniu, L. Mo, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, Online Influence Maximization. In Proc. KDD, pp. 645–654, Sydney, Australia, August 2015. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
S. Lei, S. Maniu, L. Mo, R. Cheng, and P. Senellart, Online Influence Maximization (Extended Version). June 2015. CoRR abs/1506.01188. (pdf | website | bib)
Sébastien Montenez (2)
M. L. Ba, S. Montenez, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Monitoring moving objects using uncertain Web data. In Proc. SIGSPATIAL, pp. 565–568, Dallas, USA, November 2014. Demonstration. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
M. L. Ba, S. Montenez, T. Abdessalem, and P. Senellart, Collecte, intégration et visualisation de données Web incertaines sur des objets
mobiles. In Proc. BDA, Autrans, France, October 2014. Demonstration. Conference without formal proceedings. (pdf | mpg | poster | bib)
Thomas Pellissier Tanon (2)
D. Montoya, T. Pellissier Tanon, S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, A Knowledge Base for Personal Information Management. In Proc. LDOW, Lyon, France, April 2018. (pdf | bib)
D. Montoya, T. Pellissier Tanon, S. Abiteboul, P. Senellart, and F. M. Suchanek, Thymeflow, An Open-Source Personal Knowledge Base System. December 2016. (pdf | bib)
Angelo Saadeh (2)
A. Saadeh, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidential Truth Finding with Multi-Party Computation. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 332–337, Penang, Malaysia, August 2023. (pdf | slides | bib)
A. Saadeh, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Confidential Truth Finding with Multi-Party Computation (Extended Version). May 2023. CoRR abs/2305.14727. (pdf | slides | website | bib)
Jean Senellart (2)
P. Senellart and J. Senellart, SYSTRAN Translation Stylesheets: Machine Translation driven by XSLT. In Proc. XML Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, USA, November 2005. (pdf | xml | html | slides | bib)
M. Attnäs, P. Senellart, and J. Senellart, Integration of SYSTRAN MT systems in an open workflow. In Proc. MT Summit, Phuket, Thailand, September 2005. (pdf | slides | bib)
Dennis Shasha (2)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, A. Arion, J.-P. Dittrich, S. Manegold, N. Polyzotis, K. Schnaitter, P. Senellart, S. Zoupanos, and D. Shasha, The repeatability experiment of SIGMOD 2008. SIGMOD Record, 37(1), pp. 39–45, March 2008. (pdf | bib)
Hoang Vo (2)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Regularized Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 28, pp. 96–132, 2016. (pdf | bib)
D. Basu, Q. Lin, W. Chen, H. T. Vo, Z. Yuan, P. Senellart, and S. Bressan, Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. DEXA, pp. 253–268, Valencia, Spain, September 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
Huayu Wu (2)
M. Han, P. Senellart, S. Bressan, and H. Wu, Routing an Autonomous Taxi with Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. CIKM, Indianapolis, USA, October 2016. Industry track, short paper. (pdf | bib)
M. L. Ba, R. Horincar, P. Senellart, and H. Wu, Truth Finding with Attribute Partitioning. In Proc. WebDB, pp. 27–33, Melbourne, Australia, May 2015. (pdf | slides | bib)
Anastasia Ailamaki (1)
A. Ailamaki, S. Amer-Yahia, J. M. Patel, T. Risch, P. Senellart, and J. Stoyanovich, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Extending Database Technology,
EDBT 2011. ACM, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. (website | bib)
Andrei Arion (1)
I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, A. Arion, J.-P. Dittrich, S. Manegold, N. Polyzotis, K. Schnaitter, P. Senellart, S. Zoupanos, and D. Shasha, The repeatability experiment of SIGMOD 2008. SIGMOD Record, 37(1), pp. 39–45, March 2008. (pdf | bib)
Mats Attnäs (1)
M. Attnäs, P. Senellart, and J. Senellart, Integration of SYSTRAN MT systems in an open workflow. In Proc. MT Summit, Phuket, Thailand, September 2005. (pdf | slides | bib)
Meghyn Bienvenu (1)
Ria Mae Borromeo (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Marc Bourreau (1)
Yacine Brihmouche (1)
Florent Capelli (1)
Bogdan Cautis (1)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
François Charoy (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Lei Chen (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Xinxing Chen (1)
J. Lu, P. Senellart, C. Lin, X. Du, S. Wang, and X. Chen, Optimal Top-k Generation of Attribute Combinations based on Ranked Lists. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 409–420, Scottsdale, USA, May 2012. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
Ashish Dandekar (1)
Marina Danilevsky (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Gautam Das (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Anish Das Sarma (1)
Théo Delemazure (1)
Gianluca Demartini (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Elena Demidova (1)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
Dimitar Denev (1)
Jens-Peter Dittrich (1)
I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, A. Arion, J.-P. Dittrich, S. Manegold, N. Polyzotis, K. Schnaitter, P. Senellart, S. Zoupanos, and D. Shasha, The repeatability experiment of SIGMOD 2008. SIGMOD Record, 37(1), pp. 39–45, March 2008. (pdf | bib)
Dimitris Drosos (1)
Xiaoyong Du (1)
J. Lu, P. Senellart, C. Lin, X. Du, S. Wang, and X. Chen, Optimal Top-k Generation of Attribute Combinations based on Ranked Lists. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 409–420, Scottsdale, USA, May 2012. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
Shady Elbassuoni (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Jianlin Feng (1)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
Tim Furche (1)
Anahí Gajardo (1)
Clément Genzmer (1)
Gang Gou (1)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
David Gross-Amblard (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Marios Hadjieleftheriou (1)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
Stavros Harizopoulos (1)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
Maureen Heymans (1)
Emilie Hoareau (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Roxana Horincar (1)
Volker Hudlet (1)
Munenari Inoguchi (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Shufan Jiang (1)
Panos Kalnis (1)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
Konstantinos Karanasos (1)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
Jared Kenworthy (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Itaru Kitahara (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Dominique Laurent (1)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
Dongwon Lee (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Yunyao Li (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Chunbin Lin (1)
J. Lu, P. Senellart, C. Lin, X. Du, S. Wang, and X. Chen, Optimal Top-k Generation of Attribute Combinations based on Ranked Lists. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 409–420, Scottsdale, USA, May 2012. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
Jiaheng Lu (1)
J. Lu, P. Senellart, C. Lin, X. Du, S. Wang, and X. Chen, Optimal Top-k Generation of Attribute Combinations based on Ranked Lists. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 409–420, Scottsdale, USA, May 2012. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
Mihai Lupu (1)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
Amin Mantrach (1)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
Davide Martinenghi (1)
Diana Maynard (1)
T. Risse, W. Peters, P. Senellart, and D. Maynard, Documenting Contemporary Society by Preserving Relevant Information from Twitter. In K. Weller, A. Bruns, J. Burgess, M. Mahrt, and C. Puschmann, editors, Twitter and Society, pp. 207–219. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, November 2013. (pdf | bib)
Arturas Mazeika (1)
Alexandra Meliou (1)
Changping Meng (1)
C. Meng, R. Cheng, S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and W. Zhang, Discovering Meta-Paths in Large Heterogeneous Information Networks. In Proc. WWW, pp. 754–764, Florence, Italy, May 2015. (pdf | slides, pdf | slides, pptx | bib)
Avin Mittal (1)
James Abello Monedero (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
François Moreau (1)
Atsuyuki Morishima (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Daniel Muschick (1)
Amedeo Napoli (1)
Yann Ollivier (1)
Dan Olteanu (1)
Nicola Onose (1)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
Nikos Papailiou (1)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
Paolo Papotti (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Hyunjung Park (1)
Jignesh Patel (1)
A. Ailamaki, S. Amer-Yahia, J. M. Patel, T. Risch, P. Senellart, and J. Stoyanovich, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Extending Database Technology,
EDBT 2011. ACM, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. (website | bib)
Lucas Pluvinage (1)
Neoklis Polyzotis (1)
I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, A. Arion, J.-P. Dittrich, S. Manegold, N. Polyzotis, K. Schnaitter, P. Senellart, S. Zoupanos, and D. Shasha, The repeatability experiment of SIGMOD 2008. SIGMOD Record, 37(1), pp. 39–45, March 2008. (pdf | bib)
Raghav Rao (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Philippe Rigaux (1)
Tore Risch (1)
A. Ailamaki, S. Amer-Yahia, J. M. Patel, T. Risch, P. Senellart, and J. Stoyanovich, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Extending Database Technology,
EDBT 2011. ACM, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. (website | bib)
Marie-Christine Rousset (1)
Senjuti Basu Roy (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Sudeepa Roy (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Christopher Ré (1)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
Yehoshua Sagiv (1)
Virginie Sans (1)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
Ognjen Savkovic (1)
Andreas Savvides (1)
Daniel Schall (1)
Karl Schnaitter (1)
I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, A. Arion, J.-P. Dittrich, S. Manegold, N. Polyzotis, K. Schnaitter, P. Senellart, S. Zoupanos, and D. Shasha, The repeatability experiment of SIGMOD 2008. SIGMOD Record, 37(1), pp. 39–45, March 2008. (pdf | bib)
Steven Schockaert (1)
Dongxu Shao (1)
Neil Sharma (1)
S. Mishra, N. Sharma, A. Gauquier, and P. Senellart, TheoremView: A Framework for Extracting Theorem-Like Environments from Raw PDFs. In Proc. ECIR, Lucca, Italy, April 2025. Demonstration. (pdf | bib)
Marc Spaniol (1)
Ben Spencer (1)
Dimitris Spiliotopoulos (1)
T. Risse, E. Demidova, S. Dietze, W. Peters, N. Papailiou, K. Doka, Y. Stavrakas, V. Plachouras, P. Senellart, F. Carpentier, A. Mantrach, B. Cautis, P. Siehndel, and D. Spiliotopoulos, The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social and Semantic Driven Web Archiving. Future Internet, 6(4), pp. 688–716, November 2014. (pdf | bib)
Julia Stoyanovich (1)
A. Ailamaki, S. Amer-Yahia, J. M. Patel, T. Risch, P. Senellart, and J. Stoyanovich, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Extending Database Technology,
EDBT 2011. ACM, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011. (website | bib)
Keishi Tajima (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Saravanan Thirumuruganathan (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Marc Tommasi (1)
Marion Tommasi (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Kazutoshi Umemoto (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Paul Van Dooren (1)
Michalis Vazirgiannis (1)
Victor Vianu (1)
Akrivi Vlachou (1)
Shan Wang (1)
J. Lu, P. Senellart, C. Lin, X. Du, S. Wang, and X. Chen, Optimal Top-k Generation of Attribute Combinations based on Ranked Lists. In Proc. SIGMOD, pp. 409–420, Scottsdale, USA, May 2012. (pdf | poster | slides | bib)
Gerhard Weikum (1)
Andrea Wiggins (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Tianyi Wu (1)
S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Ré, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha, Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. SIGMOD Record, 38(3), pp. 40–43, September 2009. (pdf | bib)
Pierre-Henri Wuillemin (1)
Koichiro Yoshida (1)
S. Amer-Yahia, S. Roy, L. Chen, A. Morishima, J. Monedero, P. Bourhis, F. Charoy, M. Danilevsky, G. Das, G. Demartini, S. Elbassuoni, D. Gross-Amblard, E. Hoareau, M. Inoguchi, J. Kenworthy, I. Kitahara, D. Lee, Y. Li, R. Borromeo, P. Papotti, R. Rao, S. Roy, P. Senellart, K. Tajima, S. Thirumuruganathan, M. Tommasi, K. Umemoto, A. Wiggins, and K. Yoshida, Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW. SIGMOD Record, 49(2), pp. 30–35, December 2020. (pdf | bib)
Fajrian Yunus (1)
Wangda Zhang (1)
C. Meng, R. Cheng, S. Maniu, P. Senellart, and W. Zhang, Discovering Meta-Paths in Large Heterogeneous Information Networks. In Proc. WWW, pp. 754–764, Florence, Italy, May 2015. (pdf | slides, pdf | slides, pptx | bib)
Spyros Zoupanos (1)
I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, A. Arion, J.-P. Dittrich, S. Manegold, N. Polyzotis, K. Schnaitter, P. Senellart, S. Zoupanos, and D. Shasha, The repeatability experiment of SIGMOD 2008. SIGMOD Record, 37(1), pp. 39–45, March 2008. (pdf | bib)