Master IASD 2023–2024 — Internship proposal submission

The IASD Master of PSL University is requesting Master's internship proposals from (academic and industrial) research groups.

Internships last 5 months, from beginning of April 2024, and must involve research beyond the state of the art.

Students from the IASD Master have followed various theoretical and systems courses on computer science aspects of artificial intelligence, data science, data management, etc. (full syllabus).

Please complete the form below preferably by early February 2024 if you would like to submit an internship proposal. Proposals will go through an approval process by the management team of the IASD Master, before being available to students.


Please indicate which organization (company, university, etc.) the internship will be held in, and with which the internship agreement should be made. Either select among the list of pre-defined organizations or enter as free text.


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