Pierre Senellart — Curriculum Vitae
Professor in computer science
Data management, Web, AI
32 villa de Lourcine
75014 Paris
☎ (+33) 6-48-36-36-20
✉ pierre@senellart.com
Academic career
Professor, École normale supérieure, Université PSL, Paris, France.
Computer Science Department, UMR8548 (ENS, CNRS, Inria). On partial secondment to Institut universitaire de France 2020–2025. 2nd class 2016–2017; 1st class 2017–2023; exceptional class since 2023.
Adjunct professor, Télécom Paris, IP Paris, Paris, France.
Network and Computer Science department.
Senior research fellow, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore.
Computer Science department, IPAL laboratory. Secondary appointment (25% to 50% of my time in Singapore over that period), including teaching, research, and PhD supervision activities.
Professor, Télécom Paris, IP Paris, Paris, France.
Network and Computer Science department.
Visiting researcher and lecturer, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
Computer science department. 6-month sabbatical including teaching and research activités.
Associate professor, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France.
Network and Computer Science department.
Teaching assistant, École polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.
Database labs.
Teaching assistant, École normale supérieure de Cachan, Cachan, France.
Database labs.
Post-doctoral researcher, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, Germany.
Databases and Information Systems department, with Gerhard Weikum.
PhD candidate and teaching assistant, Université Paris–Sud & INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France.
64hr of teaching a year, at Université Paris-Sud and Polytech Paris-Saclay.
Visting research student, Oxford University, Department of computer science, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Topic: Data exchange
Advisor: Georg Gottlob.
Part-time teaching assistant, École nationale des ponts et chaussées, Marne-la-Vallée, France.
C++ course for first-year students (2 semesters, 60 hour each).
Research intern (master), INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France.
Topic: Identifying logical websites.
Advisor: Serge Abiteboul.
Research intern, Chalmers Tekhniska Högskola, Göteborg, Sweden.
Topic: Automatic verification of multipliers.
Advisor: Mary Sheeran .
Research intern, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium.
Topic: Automatic extraction of similar words in a dictionary.
Advisor: Vincent Blondel.
- June 2012
Habilitation to supervise research in Computer science, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France.
- December 2007
PhD in Computer science, Université Paris–Sud, Orsay, France.
Understanding the Hidden Web. Mention Très Honorable.
- September 2003
Magistère (postgraduate diploma) in Fundamental and applied mathematics and Computer science, Université Paris–Sud & ENS, Orsay & Paris, France.
- September 2003
DEA (M.Sc.) in Computer science, Université Paris–Sud, Orsay, France.
Mention Très Bien (summa cum laude).
- September 2001
Maîtrise (undergraduate diploma) in Computer science, Université Paris–Sud & ENS, Orsay & Paris, France.
Mention Très Bien (summa cum laude).
- June 2001
Licence (B.Sc.) in Computer science, Université Paris–Sud & ENS, Orsay & Paris, France.
Mention Très Bien (summa cum laude).
- 2000 – 2005
École normale supérieure (Paris).
MP entrance competition (option computer science)
- June 1998
Baccalauréat S (scientific high school diploma), Lycée Mariette, Boulogne-sur-mer, France.
Mention Très Bien (summa cum laude).
Contract research projects
DesCartes, CNRS@CREATE Program on Intelligent Modelling for Decision-making in Critical Urban Systems.
Investigator, as part of a 50 million SGD project funded by Singapore's NRF.
Dissemin, Development of an open-science platform.
Principal investigator, with funding 124 k€.
PRAIRIE, Paris Artificial Intelligence Research Institute.
Chair holder, with funding 600 k€.
BioQOP, ANR collaborative grant on optimizing queries to video surveillance data under privacy constraints.
Responsible for ENS, with funding 69 k€.
XData, Collaboration grant with industrials on the acquisition of social network data and integration with company data.
Responsible for Télécom, with funding 175 k€.
CCIPX, STIC-Asia collaborative project between Institut Mines–Télécom, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, and National University of Singapore.
Principal co-investigator. Funded 26 k€.
MoDaS, Tova Milo's ERC advanced grant on Mob Data Sourcing.
Collaboration on research papers, exchange of students.
Private Recommendation System in Social Networks, Campus France PROCORE France–Hong Kong partnership.
Principal co-investigator. Funded 8 k€.
Diadem, Georg Gottlob's ERC advanced grant on Domain-centric Intelligent Automated Data Extraction Methodology.
Collaboration on research papers, exchange of students.
ARCOMEM, European Union FP7 project on the Archiving of the social Web.
Leader of the work package on content acquisition ; responsible for Télécom, with funding 600 k€.
Webdam, Serge Abiteboul's ERC advanced grant on the Foundations of Web Data Management.
Leader of the research axis on uncertain data; management board (with S. Abiteboul and V. Vianu).
PANIC, ANR CONTINT project on the Proactivity of audience and the digitization of cultural industries.
DataRing, ANR VERSO project on P2P data sharing for online communities.
Leader of the work package on data modeling; responsible for Télécom, with funding 120 k€.
Teaching activities
- Created courses
- Algorithms and applications (L2, Université PSL)
- Data wrangling and data quality (M2, Université PSL)
- Anonymization, privacy (M2, Université PSL)
- Databases (L3, ENS)
- Data Scientist (professional training, Télécom ParisTech)
- ACM-ICPC training (problem-solving course leading to a programming contest, Télécom ParisTech)
- Web search (intensive course over one or several weeks, Télécom ParisTech & Renmin University of China)
- Web technologies (high-level course for business and engineering students, Télécom ParisTech & HEC)
- LaTeX (two-day intensive course for graduate students, EDITE de Paris)
- Web programming (introductory course, Université Paris-Sud)
- Courses with strong involvement
- Algorithms (L3, ENS)
- Formal languages (L3, Télécom ParisTech)
- Web engineering (M1, Télécom ParisTech)
- Web data management (M2, Université Paris-Sud, Télécom-ParisTech, MPRI, & The University of Hong Kong)
- Database application design (National University of Singapore)
- Information theory (National University of Singapore)
- Participation in other courses
- C++ programming (École des Ponts ParisTech)
- Java programming (Télécom ParisTech)
- Databases (Université Paris-Sud, Télécom ParisTech, & ENS Cachan)
- Collective intelligence (Télécom ParisTech)
- Operating systems (Université Paris-Sud)
- Teaching administration
- Creation and management team of the IASD Master 2 (since 2019)
- Representative of Télécom ParisTech and then of ENS in the teaching committee of the MPRI Master 2 (2013–2018)
- Creation and management (with F. d'Alché) of the Data Science study track at Télécom ParisTech (2014–2016)
- Creation (with S. Clémençon) and management (with S. Clémençon, then F. d'Alché) of the Certificat d'Étude Spécialisé (CES) Data Scientist at Télécom ParisTech (2014–2016)
Administrative duties and responsibilities
President of section 6 (computer science) of the national committee for scientific research, Comité national de la recherche scientifique.
Evaluation of CNRS researchers and laboratories, recruitment and promotion juries for CNRS researchers, other evaluation activities. Also member of the board of the CPCN .
Research fellow, CERRE.
European think tank on the regulation of network industries
Management of the entrance competition in computer science at ENS, Concours X/ENS.
Selection of examiners, of tests, in agreement with the representatives of the three other ENS schools and of École polytechnique, for the main ENS entrance competition. Man- agement, selection, and examinations (with D. Naccache) for the alternative recruitment tracks (international selection, university track).
Deputy director, DI ENS.
The DI ENS is both a teaching department and a mixed CNRS/ENS/Inria research unit; I am assisting the director (D. Pointcheval until 2023, X. Rival since then) in all matters related to the budget of the department, management of courses, recruitment of personnel, approval of expenses, etc. I am in particular very involved in teaching management (design and management of the teaching website, management of temporary teaching staff, partenerships with other universities). I also had secondary duties during part of this period: resource person for equality and parity (until 2022); scientific council of the mathematics and computer science library of ENS (until 2022).
Board member, DIM RFSI.
The DIM RFSI is a regional alliance of computer science laboratories, allocating funding for research.
Chief judge, co-organizer, secretary, ICPC SWERC.
SWERC is the Southwestern Europe regional competition of the International Collegiate Programming Competition, the largest programming competition organized by and for universities. I co-organized it with colleagues at Télécom ParisTech, and was the chief judge and problem from 2017 to 2019--2020. We managed to attract record numbers of teams (76 in 2017, 89 in 2018, 98 in 2019--2020, 107 in 2020--2021) from the participating countries (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Israel).
Team leader, Valda.
I founded and am in charge of the Valda team, an Inria project-team within DI ENS. I am also the scientific resource person for Scientific information & edition of the Inria Paris center.
Member of the board of section 6 (computer science) of the national committee for scientific research, Comité national de la recherche scientifique.
Evaluation of CNRS researchers and laboratories, recruitment and promotion juries for CNRS researchers, other evaluation activities.
Designer of the entrance test in computer science, Concours commun Mines–Ponts.
Entrance competition for MP-Info classe préparatoire students.
Steering committee, BDA.
French community on data management
Service to the scientific community
- (Co-)chair of PC
- BDA 2017
- WebDB 2017
- SUM 2016
- UnCrowd 2014
- DBCrowd 2013
- (Co-)chair of track
- BDA 2016 (demonstrations)
- ASONAM 2015 (tutorials)
- DASFAA 2015 (tutorials)
- DEXA 2015 (tutorials)
- VLDB 2015 (tutorials)
- ICDE 2011 (tutorials)
- EDBT 2011 (industrial track)
- SIGMOD 2010 (programming contest)
- Program committees
- PODS 2012, 2016, 2019 & 2021 (program committee), 2017 (gems of PODS)
- ICDT 2011, 2017 & 2025
- SIGMOD 2008 & 2009 (repeatability committee), 2013, 2017, 2023 & 2026 (regular PC member), 2015 (group leader)
- VLDB 2013
- WWW 2009 & 2010
- CIKM 2010 & 2014
- ICDE 2010
- EDBT 2013 (demonstrations), 2014 & 2018
- ECML/PKDD 2008 & 2023
- JCDL 2024 (senior)
- STACS 2020
- BDA 2010, 2012, 2018, 2020, 2022 & 2023
- various workshops and minor conferences
- Editorial responsibilities
- Editorial board of the LIPIcs conference series
- Information director of the Journal of the ACM (2009–2015)
- Guest co-editor for a special issue of Distributed and Parallel Databases (2014)
- Journal refereeing activities
- Journal of the ACM
- Journal of Computer Science and Systems
- VLDB Journal
- Transactions on Database Systems
- Information Systems
- Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
- Data and Knowledge Engineering
- Communications of the ACM
- …
- Habilitation thesis committees
- Charles Paperman (reviewer, Université de Lille, 2024)
- Pierre Bourhis (president, Université de Lille, 2024)
- Stefan Mengel (reviewer, Université d'Artois, 2021)
- Federico Ulliana (reviewer, Université de Montpellier, 2021)
- Paolo Papotti (reviewer, Université Côte d'Azur, 2019)
- Raja Chiky (reviewer, Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, 2016)
- PhD thesis committees
- Edwige Cyffers (president, Université de Lille, 2024)
- Claire Soyez-Martin (président, Université de Lille, 2023)
- Pierre Faure--Giovagnoli (president, INSA Lyon, 2023)
- Rébecca Zucchini (reviewer, Université Paris-Saclay, 2023)
- Antonia Kormpa (reviewer, University of Oxford, 2023)
- Gaston Zanitti (reviewer & president, Université Paris-Saclay, 2023)
- Nicolas Crosetti (reviewer, Université de Lille, 2023)
- Sajad Nazari (reviewer, INSA Centre Val de Loire, 2022)
- Amit Kumar (president, Université Caen Normandie, 2021)
- Valentin Iovene (reviewer, Université Paris-Saclay, 2021)
- Wissam Mammar Kouadri (reviewer, Université Paris-Saclay, 2021)
- Julien Romero (president, IP Paris, 2020)
- Ugo Comignani (reviewer, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2019)
- Ngurah Agus Sanjaya Er (president, Télécom ParisTech, 2018)
- Govind (president, Université Caen Normandie, 2018)
- Paul Lagrée (reviewer, Université Paris-Saclay, 2017)
- Manuel Pozo (president, CNAM, 2016)
- Mira Sarkis (president, Télécom ParisTech, 2016)
- Mohammadreza Khelgati (reviewer, Universiteit Twente, 2016)
- Ahmad Assaf (Télécom ParisTech, 2015)
- François Rousseau (École polytechnique, 2015)
- Disheng Qiu (reviewer, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, 2015)
- Andrés Sanoja (Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, 2015)
- Tom Ameloot (Hasselt University, 2013)
- Zeynep Pehlivan (Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, 2013)
- Federico Ulliana (reviewer, Université Paris-Sud, 2012)
- Andrew Sellers (reviewer, University of Oxford, 2011)
- Other committees
- Gilles Kahn PhD Thesis Award of Société Informatique de France (2019, 2020, 2021)
- BDA PhD Thesis Award in Data Management (2019)
- Junior member of Institut universitaire de France (2020–2025)
- Distinguished SIGMOD 2017 PC Member
- ACM HyperText 2014 Douglas Engelbart best paper award
- Adviser of Clément Genzmer, winner of the SIGMOD Programming Contest 2009
Industrial experience
Software author, SYSTRAN S.A., La Défense, France.
SYSTRAN Mobile for Pocket PC.
R&D engineer, SYSTRAN S.A., La Défense, France.
SYSTRAN version 5.
Software engineer, Le Robert, Paris, France.
Analysis of the dictionary graph and automatic extraction of similar words.
Information technology
- Programming languages
- C++
- Perl
- Java
- Scala
- C
- Python
- OS
- Linux
- Unix
- Windows
- XML technologies
- XML Schema
- XPath
- XQuery
- Web
- JavaScript
- PostgreSQL
- Oracle
- Miscellaneous
- LaTeX
- Unicode
- Hadoop
- French
- native language
- English
- fluent
- German
- proficient
- Classical Arabic
- basics
- Malay
- basics
- Ancient Greek
- high-school level